Hi !
I too have the option of moving upto March 2006.
I am from Jamnagar (Gujarat).
I am 30 yrs, married and have a kid (age 5 yrs).
Instead of moving in Feb/March, would it be OK to move alone first by the end of November so that by Jan/Feb I would have got the SIN to start looking for jobs. By the time, even the job market may be up, after the holiday mood. Then the family moves by March.
I am from IT field (Diploma in Electronics & Comm, MCSE, CCNA) and have about 7 years experience in hardware, network management and maintenance.
Basis above, when and which province would u guys suggest on moving.
I don't think you have to wait for SIN number to apply for jobs. It takes just 3 weeks to get your SIN from the time you apply(We got from Vancouver). You can even apply for jobs where ever you are.
Why do you have to wait till you land here?
Orginally posted by desiman3
Hi !
I too have the option of moving upto March 2006.
I am from Jamnagar (Gujarat).
I am 30 yrs, married and have a kid (age 5 yrs).
Instead of moving in Feb/March, would it be OK to move alone first by the end of November so that by Jan/Feb I would have got the SIN to start looking for jobs. By the time, even the job market may be up, after the holiday mood. Then the family moves by March.
I am from IT field (Diploma in Electronics & Comm, MCSE, CCNA) and have about 7 years experience in hardware, network management and maintenance.
Basis above, when and which province would u guys suggest on moving.
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