hey! if you have work in the UK it is very easy to bring your parents on visitor's visa.If you are in Canada, one thing is that it is very difficult to get a job and it is much harder to bring your parents here on visitors visa. They check too many things here and there might be a medical before they are given visa.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Orginally posted by tamilkuravan
hey! if you have work in the UK it is very easy to bring your parents on visitor's visa.If you are in Canada, one thing is that it is very difficult to get a job and it is much harder to bring your parents here on visitors visa. They check too many things here and there might be a medical before they are given visa.
I found UK overly populated and much expensive than Vancouver. I worked in London for almost 3 years and was getting 25K per annum because I was on work permit. One being a permanent resident with 5+ years of experience can expect a start from 35K per annum. Contractors earn more.
Here is a rough comaprison based upon my experience.
A PR of UK with 5+ years of experience in IT on a permanent job earns 35K per annum. After tax take home is approx 2200 pounds per month. Take off 1200 GBP for rent(could be cheaper outside london, not sure), approx 200 for travel/recreation(if you use public transit only), 400 grocery, household things etc..200 on clothing, kids expenes. You can hope to save 400 pounds a month. Depending upon personal circumstances if spouse can work, then add 500 (approx) for part time work, 1000 (approx) for full time work in stores/post offices/hospitals etc..
Now a similar situation in Canada:
A PR of Canada with 5+ years of experience in IT earns 55K per annum in Vancouver. After tax take home is approx 3500 dollars per month. Take off 550 CAD for rent, 100 CAD for travel/recreation (if you use sky train/buses), 400 grocery, household things etc..200 on clothing, kids expenses. You can hope to save 2000 Dollars a month(More of argument can be made on this but believe me if you are clever enough to manage your finances, then you can save a good money in Canada with a good job). Depending upon personal circumstances if spouse can work, then add 800(approx) for part time work, 1500(approx) for full time work in stores/fruit packing /hospitals etc..
If you plan to buy a house..
A house that costs 400 K GBP in London, you can buy here for 400 K CAD in Vancouver. Much cheaper if you go to small cities like Winnipeg, Halifax etc.
So from my first hand experience I have concluded that Canada is much better than UK. I left UK a year ago and am happy that I took the decision. Now I am planning to relocate to a smaller city so that I can afford a house.
In the end it all depends upon your personal circumstances and your priorities but the bottom line is don't get lured by just seeing the salaries..Job and salaries are one part of one's life. Family, kids, their safety, cost of recreation, affordabilty of houses etc. are equally important. After all you what you are earning money for?
shanti shanti
And thats the crux of the matter !!
Well said
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