I am planning to organize a get together of a slightly larger group (say about 60+ families and all 100% are Indians) including some events to entertain the guests (the guest include women and children). In the same line, I am looking for ideas from your past experience or anything you feel innovative. Please add....
I've certain ideas in my mind as follows.
1. Jokes.
2. Puzzles (with Prize), I know how much people will be interested.
3. Quiz... again the same story.
4. No chance for Anthakshari, unfortunately the shy factor will blow this up...
Thanks for reading....
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
How about games?
Board games are good for small groups or teams. Bigger groups can do games such as:
1. Couples/partners guessing the other person's interests (places to visit, colors, food, etc) and score them based on how well they get each other.
2. Write an activity (something that the shy factor will not get in the way) in a piece of paper and roll that into several layers of wraps or papers. Then the group has to pass that rolled up ball to the next player who then removes one layer of the wrap. This goes on until the activity is revealed. Or, a timer can be engaged and the player who got rung gets to do the activity.
1. Musical chairs for children. Gifts from the Dollar store can be given to the winner and runner up.
2. Dance for children (Carnatic, Classical, film, Pop etc...)
3. Lemon on a Teaspoon game - The paricipant has a spoon in the mouth and a lemon/line is placed on it and the participant will have to run towards the finish line. The first one to get there with the lemon on the spoon (which is in the mouth) will get the first prize. This is a good game for children and adults.
4. Mix and Match - A male will be assigned to a female (not related or spouse) and both will share common things for 3 minutes. Later a handout is given to the female with questions about the male and vice versa. The questions can be like, What is your fav. color, When did you buy your first car etc...Then it is given to the respective people for marking and evaluating. The highest mark wins. A min. of 20 questions is needed to get good results. Works best on younsters.
5. Potluck judgement - The families / individuals will be asked to bring food stuff for the party. The best ones will ve valued and given the first prize. Works only for pot luck parties.
6. Buffet eater - A competition for who can eat the most. Works best on buffets only.
7. Treasure hunt - A treaure hunt can be done for people in groups. Can be done inside or outside. A bit complex if done outdoors.
8. Guess the price - Local flyers (no frills, Shoppers drug mart etc..) can be got and the price blackened out and the paricipants can be asked to guess the price. The person who makes the most nearest guess (average) will get the prize.
9. Word Game - For children- A word can be given and the children asked to write the max no. of words that can be formed within that word
e.g. - > if the word is " Polished", then possible words can be "so, lie, he,"
Hope this helps. If this has been useful, I can write many such points like this.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Dumbsharads is Good ... but may not work if you are concerned about Shy Factor
Originally posted by tamilkuravan
7. Treasure hunt - A treaure hunt can be done for people in groups. Can be done inside or outside. A bit complex if done outdoors.
Originally posted by tamilkuravan
4. Mix and Match - A male will be assigned to a female (not related or spouse)
Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...
Loads of thanks folks.
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
Originally posted by JRF
I am planning to organize a get together of a slightly larger group (say about 60+ families and all 100% are Indians) including some events to entertain the guests (the guest include women and children). In the same line, I am looking for ideas from your past experience or anything you feel innovative. Please add....
I've certain ideas in my mind as follows.
1. Jokes.
2. Puzzles (with Prize), I know how much people will be interested.
3. Quiz... again the same story.
4. No chance for Anthakshari, unfortunately the shy factor will blow this up...
Thanks for reading....
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