Job Tips

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Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 238
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-12-04 11:38:58

Hi Guys,

I read below tips from some other grp. I don't know weather i'm repeating this again or not but i like those tips so would like to share with u all.


Date : August 1st, 2003

I am back after more than 4 months absence from this forum. That is
because I have moved to Canada (Toronto).

The great news is that (YES) I finally got it; I got my first job in
Canada! And guess what? In my own field of marketing communications.
The happiest news I have received after getting the request for
passport 4 months ago.

It took me three months to get it. There was a lot of frustration with
those employees who would never look at you resume with no Canadian
degree or Canadian experience? Dozens and dozens of resume I sent,
went unanswered.

These are some of the things I learnt during my job search, I hope you
can learn from them too:

1- Tailor each and every resume you send for the position you are
applying for.

2- Being in the field of communications, I learnt not to send email
resume since attachment never get opened, and resume formatting gets
lots in email. Instead, I sent resumes via regular mail, use a good
page-layout programs and quality resume paper,

3- don't count on employment agencies, unless you know someone there
who can work with you directly and meet them in person. For me, I
stopped sending them anything because I know they receive tons of
resumes everyday.

4- Check potential company web sites, in their career section, where
they advertise jobs that you can't find in workopolis or monster.

5- Be well prepared, for interview techniques, screening questions,
behavioral or scenario questions...The web has many forums for job
seekers that offer tons of advice...personally I found
very helpful.

6- Keep your options open and show some flexibility in job hunting.

7- Keep abreast of your industry news and trends and learn as much as
possible about the company especially after they call you for
It is better for you not answer the phone yourself when potential
employers start calling. Let them leave you a message, that way you
can find out what company called you, go back to your list of the
companies you applied to and read the job description again and visit their web site to find out more, practice interview questions before you call them. First interview is usually a screening interview conducted
through the telephone.

8- Take advantage of those career and resume counselors available to
you at most community centers.

In my case, I find the benefits and the pay better than the US (not
when you exchange it of course). But all I can say to all those would-be
immigrant to Canada, to hang in there, save as much money as you can
because you will need every cent during the first months.

What I learnt is that get you PR is just the first step, getting the
job is what will make you really enjoy that PR status.


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