How is the area around Lansdowne/ Dupont intersection ? Is it safe for a single person ? Are there regularly scheduled busses to Lasdowne or Dupont TTC Subway station ? Are there any good desi stores/restaurants in that area ?
How long would it take me from there to go by subway to Shepard/Yonge during commute hrs ?
You have to like a location like this to move into an area. It is rugged old area where the life got started. The buildings are 100 years old, at the least, and you might see an odd one that looks out of place and some one built it recently and might find it NEW.
So get a place next to Yonge and Sheppard and hoof it to work, at your age it will be good for your health. Alternately commute from an area of your choice.
The buses are 20 minutes apart week days and 30 or so on the weekends. look for TTC routes and schedules. Search for Dupont west and get an idea as to where on the route you will be located, also click on the map. You can 'Ride the Rocket' too. You might like the area just because of this.!!
As regards safety, please do write to TTC and or the Local Police force for crime rates in that particular area. Hit Ontario Provincial Police on the Google website and you have a lot to read there. Also go into Toronto police Service and look into TPS Crime statistics, acknowledge, sign in and delve deeper into it. See what comes up in your area. (I can sense that you are not in Toronto)
Good Luck.
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