Dear All,
Anybody have an experience for driving test for 'G' license at Guelph. How is the route? which Highway? provincial or 400 series and what are the things to take care. I have booked it on my own in September. Someone valuable experience can help me a lot,
Thanks in advance
What date in Sep? My wife has her test on 13 Sep?
Live and Let Live
I have it on 19th Sept.
Originally posted by prakrit03
Dear All,
Anybody have an experience for driving test for 'G' license at Guelph. How is the route? which Highway? provincial or 400 series and what are the things to take care. I have booked it on my own in September. Someone valuable experience can help me a lot,
Thanks in advance
I have been there last month for my test. Its really easy. The road is like Highway 7 . Max speed is 80Km/h. There are only 2/3 route so just drive on it for 1 hrs and appear for it. I'm sure you will pass the test.
Best of Luck.
Guleph is good for highway test. I been to that place and it just like Hwy 7 with less trafic and hence success ratio is high too.
Best of luck
Thank you very much these info will be helpful, I wonder if there is an entry /exit to highway is just like we merge on 401 or something different like yield sign or that.
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