Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by reachinus
I will wait till Oct 15th to get it and if not I will apply for my Citizenship with out it.
If you havent applied for citizenship, and if you are eligible to apply, I would suggest you should apply right away. The landing paper is required at the time of Test and Oath, which should take atleast 6 months.
Good luck.
Originally posted by irock
Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by reachinus
I will wait till Oct 15th to get it and if not I will apply for my Citizenship with out it.
Good luck.
I think it (record of landing) is in the list of document checklist (CIT0462E) & says that "Failure to provide required document will result in delays in processing of your application".
I have a friend who similarly to REACHINUS, is waiting for landing paper though he is eligible to apply for citizenship. Please give your inputs on this matter & suggest what is the right thing to do.
If someone had a similar case, please share your experience of applying for citizenship without landing paper.....
This week we did go for our citizenship test. Three applicants had not submitted their landing paper with the application so the person reviewing the passports asked for the same. The first one had the original and the officer promptly went and photocopied them. The next two did not know what a landing paper is and had to be explained about it. They did not have it and had no clue if they ever had one. So they were allowed to write the test and were told to go home later and search for it and fax it to the office. They were also to get a certified copy from CIC if they did not have one.
I do not know when they had applied for the citizenship so if their application was delayed because of non submission with the application is difficult to say.
Ideally if one does have a photocopy and not the original, you could ahead and submit the application with the photocopy and apply for the certified copy in the meantime and hope CIC does not revert back before you get the copy.
This is my suggestion and one does not have to go by it. Please do not hold me responsible if your application is delayed.
Originally posted by irock
Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by reachinus
I will wait till Oct 15th to get it and if not I will apply for my Citizenship with out it.
If you havent applied for citizenship, and if you are eligible to apply, I would suggest you should apply right away. The landing paper is required at the time of Test and Oath, which should take atleast 6 months.
Good luck.
I think it (record of landing) is in the list of document checklist (CIT0462E) & says that "Failure to provide required document will result in delays in processing of your application".
I have a friend who similarly to REACHINUS, is waiting for landing paper though he is eligible to apply for citizenship. Please give your inputs on this matter & suggest what is the right thing to do.
If someone had a similar case, please share your experience of applying for citizenship without landing paper.....
Hi IceBerg,
Thanks for the reply. I don't have a copy of the same even. May be will have to wait till i get it.
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