i have following astrology for some time - abd due to this i got some basic level knowledge - enough to understand the terminolgy used.
i have read several article some by prominent people like KN Rao who saya there is nothing called KAL SARPA yoga .
recently i consulted one astrologer who said kal sarpa yoga and i should do the remedy for the same - interestingly till no body said i have kal sarpa .
also as per definition of kal sarpa i should ot have dreaded yoga , but some people have coined several version of KAL SARPA and KAL AMRIT YOGA ALSO .
is there any learned person who can throw some light on kal srpa yoga in my horoscope
dob 9th may 1973 time 4:58 am place chhibramau(farrukhabad) UP , INDIA
Here are some remedies suggested;
KalaSarpa yoga is real. It can give troublesthrough out the life of an affected individual. However, the intensity can be significantly reduced by doing certain pariharas in Maha Khsetras (Temples).
Fortunately , in your Chart , there is no Kala Sarpa yoga. Moon is in the 4th house - Karkataka rasi - between Gulika in Vrischika rasi and Ketu in Mithuna rasi.
Guru is in the 7th house from Moon, hence you have the benefit of Guru's protection. As one who is in to astrological study, you know Guru is ''lakskham dosham handham" .
Currently you are undergoing Sukra maha dasa and Guru anthar dasa.
In your birth chart, Guru is palced in the 10th Bhava from Lagna which is the karma bhava. You must be a businessman, or you can do well in business. Monetary gains are great.
Sun is in the first bhava, so you can become a famous scholar as well.
You are likely to be short tempered, which can be controlled by doing pranayama.
Its define , when all the planets are within Rahu Ketu axis, then its kaal sarpa yoga. But Rahu Ketu are not real planets. They are energy fields and represent the sign lord and Nakshatra Lord.
So we have to check so many things before we comment anything.
http://www.scientificastrology.cs" rel="nofollow">LINK
Do you think astrlogy makes your future? Do you think this kal sharpa yoga gives trouble in your life ? Do you think because of such yoga you dont get success?
There are way much to believe it.
There are lots of books you can read about how to get success with attitude, importanance about your un-consious mind.. a lot...!!
I would suggest forget about this start who are constatly moving and some are even not same as per nasa's reaserch can't predicit their movement...
The power of un-consious mind is endless.. and by believing in such astrlogy we program our mind negative.. like bcoz of this ..this is going to happen..
future is unfold and best to be unfold.
Enjoy your present. And you can do anything with power of your un-consious mind.
My friend, don't program your mind with negative thoughts..
Your time is perfect if can see the half glass is full. and You can win success without this remedies.
Its just another way of making money by this astrologers.. If they have that much power, why dont they see their own charts and get clients in mint.. by doing couple of remedies.
Just believe in youself and god.....
Originally posted by binal
Do you think astrlogy makes your future? Do you think this kal sharpa yoga gives trouble in your life ? Do you think because of such yoga you dont get success?
There are way much to believe it.
There are lots of books you can read about how to get success with attitude, importanance about your un-consious mind.. a lot...!!
I would suggest forget about this start who are constatly moving and some are even not same as per nasa's reaserch can't predicit their movement...
The power of un-consious mind is endless.. and by believing in such astrlogy we program our mind negative.. like bcoz of this ..this is going to happen..
future is unfold and best to be unfold.
Enjoy your present. And you can do anything with power of your un-consious mind.
My friend, don't program your mind with negative thoughts..
Your time is perfect if can see the half glass is full. and You can win success without this remedies.
Its just another way of making money by this astrologers.. If they have that much power, why dont they see their own charts and get clients in mint.. by doing couple of remedies.
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