Hi all,
I want to know that is it safe for pregnant lady to travel in her 5th month of pregnancy, becuase she has to travel for canada in the month of June 08
Your answer is very helpful for me pls reply!
Thanks in advance
Hi, I think its better you ask your doctor. It depends a lot on the general health of the pregnant lady and only her gynecologist will be able to tell properly.
I've travelled in 4 months pregnancy with twins (two babies) and everything went well, but for precaution sake I had my doctor's certificate where it said I was pregnant with twins (a high risk pregnancy) and will need help (wheel chair etc.). The airline I flew, KLM did provide everything, front row seat for leg space etc and helped in luggage (pls ask her not to pick up heavy bags)everything...but you'll have to ask.
If the doctor okays, the next you should be talking to your airline (for help) or make sure she travels with someone.
Hope this helps......................Jona
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