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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-04 20:17:11

isnt it funny how things that were always readily available to us once, grows in importance, when it is not as easily available? We are going off topic but some of the other ways how kids can learn about their culture
1)performing arts from India..indian dances, musical instruments etc. These I find are always the most effective way to introduce any one who really wants to learn about Indian Culture and traditions, to the same. Check out the website of our new guest on the interview section to see what I mean.
2) Stories(panchatantra/jataka..have these at home) and mythology(Mahabharat/Ramayan...have the childrens version of one of these at home too...more suited for older kids though). Perfect for the quality time with your kids ANd they learn about clothes/habits/traditions unique to their heritage.
You are right that its upto us to make sure they know their roots.
Any other ideas people?
p.s: please dont say hindi films...I dont allow my kids to see some hindi movies just like I dont let them watch MTV/much music. They have plenty of time to do that in their teens.

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 197

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-04 22:21:20

IMO, you shouldn't teach your kids "your" mother tongue but "their" mother tongue.

Don't make them ABCD! Exposing them to different cultures is fine but don't force your "Indian" culture on them specially if they have grown up outside India.

In my experience, kids who were forced to learn "Indian" culture have little affection to India than who decided to explore their ancestors heritage on their own.

Orginally posted by Garvo Gujarati

We must teach our kids our mother tougue.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-04 23:33:42

Orginally posted by AnilKG
Don't make them ABCD! Exposing them to different cultures is fine but don't force your "Indian" culture on them specially if they have grown up outside India.

Arent you confusing cultural values with cultural heritage? Though people like to see it as one ( especially on this board) they are often not the same, IMHO. The confusion arises because of the fact that you use these interchangeably and impose a different value system on the kids.
Marry a person that my father/mother picked= cultural value
Dont go to bed with someone unless you are married= cultural value (this could be a personal/religious value as well...the lines often get blurred)
Indian dance form= Cultural heritage
Indian mythology=cultural heritage
Indian language=cultural heritage

I am not a stickler for cultural values and have never followed many of them even while I was in India. I will not impose my value system on my kids either. I will leave it to them to chose if to follow my example or not . However It is important to me that my kids learn about their roots.
If you dont tell them about your culture they will be unaware of a part of themselves. e.g: I just finished telling my daughter about the story of the King Shantanu and Ganga from the Mahabharat. Last week, it was about a story from the Bible. Both are part of her heritage...introduction to and familarity of both does not confuse her. It only makes her stronger. She has as much to be proud of her heritage just as her Polish/Russian/French friends are of theirs. The south asian cultural saga spans a great many more centuries than many other cultures. It would be a PITY if she was unaware of this wonderful richness. Knowing about the contributions of her ancestors to the human race will not confuse her. It will make her more confident of herself and her Identity.
A tree with deeper roots will always withstand storms better than one with shallow roots.

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Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3116

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-04 12:02:05

Orginally posted by AnilKG

IMO, you shouldn't teach your kids "your" mother tongue but "their" mother tongue.

Don't make them ABCD! Exposing them to different cultures is fine but don't force your "Indian" culture on them specially if they have grown up outside India.

In my experience, kids who were forced to learn "Indian" culture have little affection to India than who decided to explore their ancestors heritage on their own.

Orginally posted by Garvo Gujarati

We must teach our kids our mother tougue.

Both's mother tongue is one and same!

I agree with you that forcing something may not result in what you wanted, but there are ways to increase their interest even without forcing them. Just an example - motivation of writing a letter to grandappa in Gujarati - could be great motivation! (It is subjective from kid to kid though!)

A Proud Indian Canadian

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 64
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-04 17:26:40

I totally agree that they become infact stronger while they value and become proud about our rich heritage...great example is ourself..who have migrated, and have adopted to diff. lifestyles ..still strong and proud, i wonder some shallow culture could have the courage to go thru what we have been...well, we value our culture, and try our best to wrap the traditions into daily life...which at times is challanging but managable..hoping one day the children realise our hugh efforts...


Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-03-04 11:17:00

That'll be the day, when people in France and Spain attend Hindi and Chinese classes. :D

Are you there?

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-03-04 12:18:02

While we are talking about Indian culture and heritage. I know that many of us are making sure that we use our ethnic clothing when we can and teach our language to our younger ones. Even though these are great feats in our adopted homes and society, I feel that to be true ambassadors of our heritage we must makes sure our children are exposed to the same in the form of Indian mythology, classical dance and music etc. These are things that can surely be shared with the rest of North America. The arts always have a ready audience in this society. Language is difficult to promote and share with other cultures. Food and fashion, though easy to share, alone does not do much for promoting our heritage except from a very superficial level (they are great at an introductory level for sure).
However, you can dress up in a kurta and eat navratan khurma and still be CLUELESS about Indian heritage. On the other hand there are many westerners who know much more about indian culture inspite of not knowing a single Indian Language.
The point is that our efforts for our heritage should not simply be PRESERVATION but PROMOTION too.

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Contributors: jake3d(4) Garvo Gujarati(3) chandresh(2) kathiawadi(2) Manjeet(1) AnilKG(1) BlueLobster(1)

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