How to prevent static shocks?

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 351
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-10-08 13:40:19

What are the best ways to avoid/prevent static shocks during winter? Most of the times, I get these unpleasant shocks whenever I touch a door knob, bunch of keys, car door handles, etc.
Surprisingly, I am very prone to these kind of jolts, whereas my wife isn't.....maybe because of my "electrifying personality" :clap:
I take a lot of water; does that make my body a good conductor for these kinds of jolts? :(


Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-10-08 13:49:56

Originally posted by sumjo

Surprisingly, I am very prone to these kind of jolts, whereas my wife isn't.....maybe because of my "electrifying personality" :clap:

It might have nothing to do with your electrifying personality ..... time for some " sole " searching .......................

Why do I experience shocks, when my colleagues do not?
There are many reasons why this might happen. Firstly, some people are more sensitive to shocks than others. For most people, the threshold for feeling shocks is in the range 2,000-4,000V.

Secondly, you may be storing more static electricity than others. This depends on the size of your body and feet, and the thickness of your shoe soles! A bigger body, bigger feet, and thinner shoe soles, means more charge has to be stored to produce the same voltage. This gives a higher energy electrostatic discharge.

Thirdly, you may be generating more charge than others. This may be due to the material of your shoe soles, or the way that you walk. If it happens when sitting, it may be due to the material of your clothes, and the amount of static they generate against your chair.

For more ........

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 528

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-10-08 15:45:54

Excerpt from internet article below
When it comes to your clothes, you may have noticed that your fleece jackets, polyester pants, and nylons are most prone to static cling. For whatever reason synthetic materials are more susceptible to static than natural fabrics like cotton. So, if you can, try to watch your natural fabrics separately, and throw in a dryer sheet just for good measure, the dryer sheet will "absorb" the static. When washing your clothes made of synthetic materials try pulling the clothes out of the dryer while they are still a little damp to prevent them from over-drying, after all, dry conditions are a breeding ground for static, so moisture would be the obvious antidote. If you do find yourself battling static, even after taking the above precautions, run a metal hanger over your clothes, since metal works as a conductor to electricity, the metal hanger should attract the electric energy in your clothes, keeping them from zapping and clinging to you.

Try STATIC really well

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If you have a bank, you can rob everyone.
- Bill Maher

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