Couple of small incidents

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 14
Location: Somewhere in GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 10:04:01

A couple of small incidents:-

One day, I was trying to enter an Indian restaurant at Gerrard street with a stroller and finding it a bit difficult to handle both the door as well as the stroller. The restaurant was full of desis and all of them seem to be looking at me and enjoying the situation. Then, one white lady(the only) in the restaurant came to help me out

I was entering the bank and desi in front of me slammed the door into my face, without holding the door open. Never faced this kind of behaviour before with the so called Canadian people. They always had the courtesy to hold the door open for the next person to enter.

If you happen to give some space to a desi guy while driving, beware. The guy will never say thanks and will just drive away as if it is his privilege.

And still we say we, desis, face discrimination in Canada?

Gaon ki gori

Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3117

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 11:28:30

Good thoughts.

I live in an area full of desis (I mean full of Shri Lankans and Indians with some Pakistanies) and I will face this almost everyday while driving. If you are on a driveway and wanting to enter on the main road, no one here is suppose to give you the way. You have to jump in and when you do that, you don't need to say anybody thank you ;)

Holding doors for others? Why? It is our birth right to laugh at others while they are in trouble so why? Don't you like to have fun on somebody?

Joke apart, What I like most from Goras is respect for others. Nice experiences we have while boarding on a TTC bus, where a driver stops a bus seeing somebody rushing towards a bus (Whereas in India, if a drivers sees somebody rushing towards a bus drives bus much faster!!) how can we forget this?

But it is we who should make difference.

Let us all start doing this and there will not have a chance for anybody to say this again. :)

A Proud Indian Canadian

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 135
Location: White House, DC

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 11:56:44

Orginally posted by gaon_ki_gori
A couple of small incidents:-

Orginally posted by chandresh

Frankly speaking I abhor that attitude of critisizing 'our people'! I have been fortunate enough to live and work with people of various nationalities and races and cultures, and I have found the other people also doing similar or even worse things than 'our people' and they too use the same phrase for their people. Very few persons realise that most of their lives they have lived with their own people and they see the worst in them (just like one sees all the faults in his/her own spouse because they have not got a chance to actually live closely with someone else's spouse), since they have never actually lived or tried to be friendly with other races - other people.

i had this piece of advice from mr. chandresh for using the term "our people". let see gaon ki gori what ucomment u get from this gentleman.

will desi mindset ever change?

hate blaster

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 14
Location: Somewhere in GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 12:04:29


I am not criticizing desis..What I want to say is a some of my experiences..that is all

Gaon Ki Gori

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 313
Location: 43° 54' N, 78° 6' W

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 12:52:17

Orginally posted by gaon_ki_gori
I am not criticizing desis..

Entry in Merriam Webster's dictionary - meaning of word "criticize"

Main Entry: crit·i·cize
Pronunciation: 'kri-t&-"sIz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -cized; -ciz·ing
intransitive senses : to act as a critic
transitive senses
: to find fault with : point out the faults of

Do you still maintain you didn't "criticize".
Further, why do you feel guilty or afraid of criticizing?? If something is wrong then it is wrong and has to be pointed out...that's it!
Not all but many desis do behave in a deplorable and shabby manner. What's wrong in saying so?
Just a rejoinder, I am sure those very desis would hold the door if they were in a "gora" environment. Meaning that desi who slammed the door in your face when entering the bank, did it because he knew it was you, a desi, following him. Had it been a white, he would have held the door open. We desis tend to maltreat our own kind and take pleasure in it. We do it back home and we do it here. It is as if it becomes something below our dignity to behave with a fellow desi the same way we do with a "gora". A desi will say "Hi" at the bus stop or whereever, to a gora he doesn't know. But if he sees only a desi at the same place, let alone smile, his face will wear that expression that says, "Hmph!! Damned desi! ".
I know this does not apply to all desis, but that is what I have noticed.


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 700
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 13:45:20

Well GKG, you cannot blame all desi because of these 2 incidents. Bad apples are everywhere and in all races. I do agree because of our country of origin we have less civic sense, it does not mean all desi are uncivilized. I have seen lot of civilize desi and uncivilized goras..But, of course, it cannot be an excuse to be an uncivilized citizen.

How this problem can be solved???….. In GG’s words : But it is we who should make difference. Let us all start doing this and there will not have a chance for anybody to say this again.

So, let us do it !!!

Thanks and regards.

"Change before you have to" : Jack Welch

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-05-04 16:35:11

Orginally posted by gaon_ki_gori

A couple of small incidents:-

One day, I was trying to enter an Indian restaurant at Gerrard street with a stroller and finding it a bit difficult to handle both the door as well as the stroller. The restaurant was full of desis and all of them seem to be looking at me and enjoying the situation. Then, one white lady(the only) in the restaurant came to help me out

I was entering the bank and desi in front of me slammed the door into my face, without holding the door open. Never faced this kind of behaviour before with the so called Canadian people. They always had the courtesy to hold the door open for the next person to enter.

If you happen to give some space to a desi guy while driving, beware. The guy will never say thanks and will just drive away as if it is his privilege.

And still we say we, desis, face discrimination in Canada?

Gaon ki gori

I sincerely hope that you are narrating a few isolated cases that you have experienced - and it is not everyday that you face this. Also, I am hopeful that you must have experienced some very nice incidents with other desis in your daily life in Canada - which I do not know why you have ignored to pen down.

And if what I am hoping is not true with you, I can only say you have been unfortunate - and you have not met persons like Blue Lobster, Jake, Massood, Biomed, yours truly and many close friends of yours truly (infact one of my good friends goes to the extent of waiting for a passing car even when it is about 100mtrs away), who not only give space to desis and non-desis alike (goras, kalas, yellows, chaptas etc.) only in Canada but even back home in India!

Come over to meet us and hope you will change your experience, and views of some others on this board!



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