Student Visa, Any agents, agency helps for candidate

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Member since: Aug 08
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-11-08 13:13:24

Great described information ! must be useful for many more users here.

So the bottom line is that we should send all of our original document along with blank stamped envelop with return addressed.

But there no hard and fast rule for it ,a s iw as asking lots of other people about it and lots of them telling that I have submit every thing with photocopt except Appliction form and personal information document.

So from it i have one more question comes to clerify where is this Personal information required, means in which case, with which applicant. !

Put some light on this also.

Great work Friend.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-11-08 16:00:05

The detailed form is given on the New Delhi CHC website. These are for everyone and region specific forms.

You are applying for a Student Visa. You are the applicant.
The first three lines in the box is to be filled in IF YOU worked any where, there. If you were self employed, then give details.

In the family information, give the details that they ask for, starting with your spouse, if you are married and have one. Write N/A if not applicable.
Beneath that Mother - Father - {son -dtr if you have any kids} Then brother-sister,
Beneath that Relatives, living in Canada or outside of India, IF ANY.

They also request that you attach TWO Photographs of you, the applicant.

You are right at the point of completion. Double check the same. Make sure you tick the boxes in the CHECK LIST, see if they all are there and will get into the envelope. Count the number of pictures needed, make sure there are the required numbers, before you seal the envelope.

I am happy that you are following the instructions given. Congratulations to you on a successful completion of your Student Visa Application.

Are you ready to start an agency now! No. Just kidding. Leaving that aside, do tell us which university you will be attending?

Good Luck.


Member since: Aug 08
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-11-08 09:52:46

Hi Freddy,

No No i am asking for one of my friend, she is coming to Seneca college. And with this i have one Q to ask you about the Fee related, do i have to make full payement for whole 1year or i can go with semester fee. Can I talk to Seneca about this , whats your expert comments about it.
TX.. i m asking lots of Q but its important for me.

TX once again

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-11-08 10:07:50

Originally posted by nlohchab

Hi Freddy,

No No i am asking for one of my friend, she is coming to Seneca college. And with this i have one Q to ask you about the Fee related, do i have to make full payment for whole 1year or i can go with semester fee. Can I talk to Seneca about this , whats your expert comments about it.
TX.. i m asking lots of Q but its important for me.

TX once again


Who ever is being helped and going to Seneca College, should get in touch with them. They are the best to help you with the fee requirements and the other arrangements with them. They will respond with in 48 hours, if you e-mail them. OR call them now. It is about 09:00 Hours EDT, here, and they will provide you with all of the answers. You are in communications with them and so see the phone numbers that are available in that letter. I see you are on the web.

My suggestion is to follow through with their instructions.

You are welcome to ask any amount of questions.

Good Luck.


Member since: Aug 08
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-11-08 12:53:51

Can some one known of applicant from canda deposit the fee, do i have to attech the fee reciept with Acceptance letter along with the application !

Any time frame for the processing, if I deposite my application next week on monday in delhi, india. How much time you think it takes. Do i have to attch my travel plans document i.e. iteneary etc with application.

2nd is what about the medical test for the applicant , do i have to di it before sunmiting the application or they asked me after the decison.

Enlight me with these information as well.

Apericiate your great help along ...

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-11-08 18:22:16

Originally posted by nlohchab

Can some one known of applicant from Canada deposit the fee, do i have to attach the fee receipt with Acceptance letter along with the application !

Any time frame for the processing, if I deposit my application next week on Monday in Delhi, India. How much time you think it takes. Do I have to attach my travel plans document i.e. itinerary etc with application.

2nd is what about the medical test for the applicant , do I have to do it before submitting the application or they asked me after the decision.

Enlighten me with these information as well.

Appreciate your great help along ...


You have been accepted. Now you have to pay to get the seat.

Anyone can pay the FEES, but will need the receipt from the institution providing the details as to the period from and ending to. Try and obtain the receipt through the e-mail and print it out or by Fax from their offices to your home.

YES, you need to attach the payment receipt to the application along with your acceptance at that institution. Read the application process once again. (All over again).

I cannot predict the speed of the process, but it will be processed in the fast lane.
You can provide them with the date that you have to join at the university. No air lines will book a ticket to Canada without seeing the VISA. But you can tentatively book through a known travel agent and be on the wait list, pending the receipt of the visa.

They will inform you about the medicals and the due date, after the decision is made, only if required.

I have provided you with a link to read and please go over it again.

Hope this helps you a little.


[You must have a letter confirming that you have been accepted by an educational institution before you apply for a study permit. An educational institution includes a university, college or other educational institution. The institution will decide if you meet its academic and language requirements. To obtain such acceptance, you must deal directly with the educational institution in which you are interested.]

Member since: Aug 08
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-11-08 09:44:00

As right now friend is in US on B1/B2 doing professional course from FIT ny.
Can she apply from US(ny)? As i enquiried about it, what did you say as your expert advice is really coming along in this process. Guide me,

Contributors: nlohchab(10) ftfl(7)

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