Urgent -Letter of good conduct required for Federal Govt Job

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 25
Location: Ajax

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-12-08 20:13:24

I migrated to Canada 8 years ago and I am Canadian Citizen since last 5 years.

I have been selected for a Govt job.

My employer needs a "letter of Good Conduct" from Indian Embassy!

I do not understand this requirements but one of the persons told me that it might be due to my 25 days visit to India in 2005 and 2007!

I explored Indian Embassy web site but there is no information about "Letter of Good Condutct"

I would be very garteful if any of you can help me here.

Is it the same thing as "Police clearance" ?

My prospective employer wants to have this ASAP or else I will not be offered jpb!

Nice way of keeping DESIS out of Federal jobs!

Please help

Member since: Jan 06
Posts: 412

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 09:48:46

Hi hum-tum;

It is really something new, never heard of before.
Canadian citizen for 5 years and asking him to produce a letter of good conduct from Indian embassy! Your 'employer' is Federal Govt. so did you recieve the communication asking for this letter in writing from federal govt.? You may ask if such an rule exists. You may take views of already hired (one in ten thousand) desis on such jobs.


Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 269

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 10:24:30

It might be security clearence they are asking to you. A friend of mine have reached to last stage of government job but he did not passed security clearence because he was not a canadian citizen.

I'm confused too between letter of good conduct, police clearence and security clearence. Desis in govt. please help.

એક જ ટીપામાં હો જાણે સાત સમંદર,
એવા ઝંઝાવાત હજુ હૈયાની અંદર

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 11:14:18

This is what I think it is:

Every applicant is required to be of good character. In order for them to determine whether you are of good character, you must provide police certificates from every country in which you have resided for six months or more in the ten years previous to the date of submission for that post.*

If the country you come from is not listed in the information, or instructions are not given about a country of which you are an ex-citizen or resident, you should make your own inquiry about where to obtain a Police Certificate.

If you are unable to provide a Police Certificate, you must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or French, detailing your attempts to obtain a Police Certificate and stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offence against the law in that country. This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

They will only accept original Police Certificates that are no more than six months old at the time of submission to the post.

If they have enclosed an explanatory letter that is addressed to you and if that requests this Police Certificate, then, they suggest that you enclose a copy of this letter with your application for the Police Certificate to any of the listed authorities. ( They may have a different procedure for that)

The information I am providing to you here is to the best of my knowledge, current at the time of posting. The Government or other authorities in other countries could amend their rules any time.

In Canada:
Either a Canadian police certificate that shows that the person has no record in Canada or an affidavit from the person detailing the nature and circumstances of the person's Canadian criminal history (including all arrests, charges and convictions). { Such as running a RED Light..etc.,}
Full Canadian police certificates issued based on fingerprints will be required from all such applicants by the deadline.

Also, you can obtain the assistance of a private firm International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. For further information you may visit their website. http://www.ifs.ca. (It works) **


The Commissioner
Attention: Identification Services - Civil Section
P O Box 8885
Canada KIG3M8
A appropriate fee is payable at the time of the application. (You have to call and find out)


For India:
Applicants in India - apply to the Regional Passport Office of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs or the Office of the Deputy Commissioner/Superintendent of Police for the area of your residence. The certificate must be the original, bearing the official Ministry Seal.

Applicants living in a Canada -you should apply to the High Commission of India located at 10 Springfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1C9 Please verify.

The materials provided here are based on Canadian and Indian Citizenship. If there are other countries involved in their stay, it is for them to locate the proper sources and procedures. It is too much to compile and it is cut short due to time restraints.

You can also include letters of recommendations and good conduct from people placed high in the judiciary. (Some people are born here and related to them)

Hope this helps you a little.


EDIT: ** http://www.policecheck.com/

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 25
Location: Ajax

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 13:47:07

Originally posted by ftfl

This is what I think it is:

Every applicant is required to be of good character. In order for them to determine whether you are of good character, you must provide police certificates from every country in which you have resided for six months or more in the ten years previous to the date of submission for that post.*

If the country you come from is not listed in the information, or instructions are not given about a country of which you are an ex-citizen or resident, you should make your own inquiry about where to obtain a Police Certificate.

If you are unable to provide a Police Certificate, you must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or French, detailing your attempts to obtain a Police Certificate and stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offence against the law in that country. This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

They will only accept original Police Certificates that are no more than six months old at the time of submission to the post.

If they have enclosed an explanatory letter that is addressed to you and if that requests this Police Certificate, then, they suggest that you enclose a copy of this letter with your application for the Police Certificate to any of the listed authorities. ( They may have a different procedure for that)

The information I am providing to you here is to the best of my knowledge, current at the time of posting. The Government or other authorities in other countries could amend their rules any time.

In Canada:
Either a Canadian police certificate that shows that the person has no record in Canada or an affidavit from the person detailing the nature and circumstances of the person's Canadian criminal history (including all arrests, charges and convictions). { Such as running a RED Light..etc.,}
Full Canadian police certificates issued based on fingerprints will be required from all such applicants by the deadline.

Also, you can obtain the assistance of a private firm International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. For further information you may visit their website. http://www.ifs.ca. (It works)


The Commissioner
Attention: Identification Services - Civil Section
P O Box 8885
Canada KIG3M8
A appropriate fee is payable at the time of the application. (You have to call and find out)


For India:
Applicants in India - apply to the Regional Passport Office of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs or the Office of the Deputy Commissioner/Superintendent of Police for the area of your residence. The certificate must be the original, bearing the official Ministry Seal.

Applicants living in a Canada -you should apply to the High Commission of India located at 10 Springfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1C9 Please verify.

The materials provided here are based on Canadian and Indian Citizenship. If there are other countries involved in their stay, it is for them to locate the proper sources and procedures. It is too much to compile and it is cut short due to time restraints.

You can also include letters of recommendations and good conduct from people placed high in the judiciary. (Some people are born here and related to them)

Hope this helps you a little.


Thanks a lot and thanks to other who have responded.

I received an email 2 days back but due to intense work pressure , I had no time to open it and hence missed it.

The email just said "contact me at such and such telephone # further stating that he is available for the entire day"

Any way I recieved a voice mail stating that since my security clearance is likely to take a long time , I should obtain a letter of good conduct from "my" embassy. It further conveyed that unless I produce such a letter within week , They will drop me from consideration.

Since my prospective employer requires finger printing to be done by them only (and they have outdated inkand roll technology) , I am required to obtain letter of good conduct.

What absolutely confuses me is that what is meant by "MY" embassy?

I am no longer citizen of India and when I migrated in year 2000, I had submitted police clearnce certificate dated January 2000 as part of the documents required to be submitted. I had a bitter experience as we all know how police works in India and after a month;s wait and several trips and "right contacts" , I could obtain that.

I am aware that there are no criminal charges against me in Canada or India or for that ,matter in any other country . I do not know how I would be able to cut through beauracratic maze with Indian embassy. I explored Indian embassy web site and it states procedure for obtaining police clerance. I hope what my prospective employer wants is the same thing.

One more point. Indian embassy, for police clearnce , has prescribed a form EAP 2 which is for Indian passport holders!

I Still wonder why the hell they want this kind of certificate as I have been residing in Canada for last 8 years and what is so sanctimonious about 10 year period especially when they sough police clearnce certificate before my migration!

I will certainly call my prospective employer to find out what exactly they want but I am most unlikely to obtain whatever they want in a week's time.

As regards fingerprinting, on my own initiative , I had gone to a private agency and got digital finger printing done 2 weeks back. I went to their office yesterday to find out the fate as it claimed results are available in 72 hours. To my surprise and horror, they said 72 hours is fro RCMP to mail and if you have criminal record, it is 120 days. I told them that I never had criminal record and they told me to inquire from RCMP which I will do on Monday.

I had similar experience at the time of my Citizenship when it took more than 5 months for finger printing results to come back.

My company is going through rough patch. Already 30% staff has been laid off and going by developments, I have little hope of retaining job. I had very tough written test and interview and copetition and inspite of passing through all the stages, I am likely to be denied the job. It is really disheartening that a country which proclaims equity , will deny me a job on some ground which is beyond my control.

I again thank you all and seek your support and guidance and I will certainly keep you posted of the developments though I quite depressed at present.

Thanks again

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 16:10:35

It is people like you who work hard towards a goal and go through the whole maze and navigate through all of the difficulties finally seem to encounter an insurmountable obstacle and come to understand that it has boiled down to one item, and you also know what it is and then give up hope of obtaining the goal.

I admire your efforts, determination and hard work and I see you are approaching us here, with the last hope, and want to know what the procedure is and if you have failed some where in between.

That is why we always say "It is good to have knowledgeable friends". Ones that you can always tap on and ask. And You did. And we replied. With your response, I find that you have one more week to go and you also had two other weeks prior to this to get to us. May be some one who has gone through this and I do remember vaguely, reading through the CD, that there was one other individual who asked for a similar one, would have gotten back to you.

Now, knowing what it is that you have gone through and knowing what it is that you are seeking, I would suggest to you that you draft a nice letter stating who you are and where you reside and with all of the qualification that you possess, state that vehemently that you DO NOT have a "Criminal Record" and get it notarized and submit it along with the submission ticket or the number that RCMP (Or the Agency) have provided you with and see where it will take you. Also, try and obtain two colour copies of 1) your Passport and 2) the Driver's License and sign and write in capital letters your name and attest all of the documents and send them all to them for their consideration.

Then wait for their response. You may want to know why? I want to wish you all the best of luck.

You have overcome your obstacles and you came to the right place.

Good Luck.


Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 25
Location: Ajax

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-08 17:55:37

Originally posted by ftfl

It is people like you who work hard towards a goal and go through the whole maze and navigate through all of the difficulties finally seem to encounter an insurmountable obstacle and come to understand that it has boiled down to one item, and you also know what it is and then give up hope of obtaining the goal.

I admire your efforts, determination and hard work and I see you are approaching us here, with the last hope, and want to know what the procedure is and if you have failed some where in between.

That is why we always say "It is good to have knowledgeable friends". Ones that you can always tap on and ask. And You did. And we replied. With your response, I find that you have one more week to go and you also had two other weeks prior to this to get to us. May be some one who has gone through this and I do remember vaguely, reading through the CD, that there was one other individual who asked for a similar one, would have gotten back to you.

Now, knowing what it is that you have gone through and knowing what it is that you are seeking, I would suggest to you that you draft a nice letter stating who you are and where you reside and with all of the qualification that you possess, state that vehemently that you DO NOT have a "Criminal Record" and get it notarized and submit it along with the submission ticket or the number that RCMP (Or the Agency) have provided you with and see where it will take you. Also, try and obtain two colour copies of 1) your Passport and 2) the Driver's License and sign and write in capital letters your name and attest all of the documents and send them all to them for their consideration.

Then wait for their response. You may want to know why? I want to wish you all the best of luck.

You have overcome your obstacles and you came to the right place.

Good Luck.


Thanks Freddie. I will keep you and all other posted. I have an interesting and equally horrible stoty to share with every one but I am too depressed to state right now, reason being it requires a lot of elaboration to give right perspective.

I had invited some guest today for dinner and my wife did not permit me to cancel that. Any way I will try to be cheerful!

I will keep friends posted so at least some one else benefits .

Thanks guys

Contributors: hum_tum(4) ftfl(3) love_n_peace(1) Aashu(1) benparsad(1)

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