Burning of Quran

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Your friend   
Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 325
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-10 17:37:25

Although it seems a little offensive, however this is something which could have been done before to show that people of victimized communities have their own rights to protest.


He who has not acquired one of the following: religious merit (dharma), wealth (artha), satisfaction of desires (kama), or liberation (moksa) is repeatedly born to die

Desi # 1   
Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 1420
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-10 18:38:20

Originally posted by Your friend

Although it seems a little offensive, however this is something which could have been done before to show that people of victimized communities have their own rights to protest.


I am not a muslim but Pastor who is doing it seems to have same ideologies like extremists. No particular community is victimized but infact everyone was effected in some sense.

Your friend   
Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 325
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-10 18:53:02

You would read stories that religious books of other religions are getting burnt by people belonging to muslim communities but I rarely hear that Quran is burnt anywhere. This is the first time this is happening in full public glare. This is happening as a result of ridiculous decision by Muslim community to build mosque near ground zero.

You are right Desi#1 that almost all communities are victim of actions by muslims worldover. For example look at derrogratory portraits made by MF Hussain on Hindu gods, however he made none on Allah.

He who has not acquired one of the following: religious merit (dharma), wealth (artha), satisfaction of desires (kama), or liberation (moksa) is repeatedly born to die

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 72
Location: Kipling

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-10 20:52:58

>>>Religion and Politics are bad to be discussed. It raises sparks, tension etc etc and creates bad atmosphere. By burning 1 koran will not result in anything. Books are not important, they are just sheet of paper,teaching in those books are important.

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-10 22:24:20

True. If he really believed in art than why not any portraits on Allah ??

Its okay to destroy religious sites of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists etc but ...

Originally posted by Your friend

You would read stories that religious books of other religions are getting burnt by people belonging to muslim communities but I rarely hear that Quran is burnt anywhere. This is the first time this is happening in full public glare. This is happening as a result of ridiculous decision by Muslim community to build mosque near ground zero.

You are right Desi#1 that almost all communities are victim of actions by muslims worldover. For example look at derrogratory portraits made by MF Hussain on Hindu gods, however he made none on Allah.

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-10 09:25:15

Two quotes I read on Twitter this morning:

"reading a book from cover to cover should be a prerequisite to burning it"

"Burning a book will never lighten the darkness that is terrifying you. Reading it might".

They are not talking about burning 1 Quran but a few hundred. Its not just a book..its a holy scripture. How would YOU feel if the Gita was burned? Or the Guru Granth Sahib, or the Bible?? Its not the paper, but what it represents.

Fundis of ANY religion cause nothing but heartache, destruction and chaos.

This is why I dislike religion immensely. It doesnt build bridges, it creates barriers and competition and ego between people.

~ Morning rain

Member since: May 08
Posts: 431
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-10 09:54:20

Nicely said morning rain. They should really look into a like button for this site :)

Immigrant Parents in Canada http://groups.yahoo.com/group/immigrantparentsincanada

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