Do indians and pakistanis get along in Canada?

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Member since: Jan 11
Posts: 6

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-02-11 21:34:39

Do indians and pakistanis get along in Canada? Are they on good terms with each other?

I want to know because in England, where i spend most of my childhood, there is a deep hate between indians and pakistanis.
There is very little social interaction between indian and pakistani communities in england. There have even been incidents of violence between gangs of pakistani muslims and indians(mostly sikhs). Since most of these youths were born and raised in England, it is obvious that they learned all this hate from their elders.

Member since: Jun 05
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-11 00:33:49

Canada is a place where people (immigrants) struggle to survive (unless you are in Finance or IT). Here even South Indians hate the North, East and West Indians and South Indians fight south indians to come up in Canada.
However, I have not seen any Indian fighting a Pakistani. Some Pakistani's are really good people while some people are downright rude (not only only on Desi's but against people in general). people stuggle here for their own survival and hence street fights etc.. are not the norm here.
Desi's cheat others in Canada and Pakistani's cheat others in Canada.
As MCG 7 Said, we belong to the same hindu forefather and hence our blood and character is the same.
You can blindly immigrate here looking for people. We have bigger fish to fry in this part of the world. this is not the UK, where the money that UK got by cheating others is distributed to the immigrants and refugees of UK.
In Canada, you need to stuggle and do hard work to survive.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 82
Location: mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-11 16:53:03

The same morons from pakistan are here. What do you expect. Only thing they are kind of subdued here.

I have lots of pakistani friends and they are all stupid and thinking is narrow minded. I have one person who has married a white canadian and shows her off like a prestige issue among the whites and his thinking is still narrow minded. its okay for a man to marry a white but for a women to marry it is not acceptable. This tells U what a stupid religion and people.

Another kept talking about Islam saying islam is the greatest and science was founded by Islam. I told him to shut up as as all religion is greatest for their own people.

Everytime if there is any reference to pakistan they say pakistan and India is same.

They say karachi is like mumbai.

Pakistan is not same as India. Its a failed state.

They are always jealous of indians as they have an inferority complex always and they know their country has no role to play in the world and has no contibution to society.

The day they stop their stupidity of religion and broaden their thinking they will improve but that will never happen.

Majority of muslims are in self denial always that their religion has a problem.

As I stated its not worth even referencing them here as they are insignificant and worthless to society.

Member since: May 05
Posts: 448
Location: Here and There

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-02-11 10:53:05

People with get along with each other when they are not in a majority.. as soon as they form a majority differences start forming. Here is an example:

A friend of mine lives in a part of missisauga that is east of Hurontario street. Their son goes to public school where this a equal balance of indians, pakistanis, white, polish, etc etc. Everyone gets along very well (parents as well as children)

Now i have another friend who lives in the west end of mississauga. (eglinton and 9th line) Those who know about that neighbourhood its pakistani muslim dominated.
In the class of 21 there are more than 14 pakistanis. Their son (3rd grade) used to routinely hear that hindu gods are made of sand. They will throw water on hindu gods and your god will melt. When he contributed 5$ for flood relief the money was returned saying that India caused the floods and they will not accept the money..
Where did these 3rd graders learn to say this. Where did they hear this.
That part of mississauga is now called miassauga because it is now a pakistani majority.

Even in the same city there is a difference.. so you cannot generalize about a country..As soon as you become majorty you start changing.. Notice how the muslims/hindus who immigrated here more than 10-15 years ago are more neutral. They didnt have a mjaorty to fall back to...

Mississauga will slowly become like that part of UK you are describing...

just my 2 cents

Live and Let Live

Member since: May 09
Posts: 357
Location: Beautiful BC Baby

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-11 12:42:45

^^ Chittesh .. I think quite true. but I really hope it does not get that bad.

Member since: May 05
Posts: 448
Location: Here and There

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-02-11 13:36:32

It will, it has already started in brampton between black community and the sikh community

Live and Let Live

Member since: Mar 11
Posts: 116
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-03-11 17:38:31

Originally posted by sridharm

I have lots of pakistani friends and they are all stupid and thinking is narrow minded. I have one person who has married a white canadian and shows her off like a prestige issue among the whites and his thinking is still narrow minded. its okay for a man to marry a white but for a women to marry it is not acceptable. This tells U what a stupid religion and people.

As I stated its not worth even referencing them here as they are insignificant and worthless to society.

Okay I agree that the people you describe sound like they have distorted and prejudiced views, but how are they your friends?

If you consider them friends you are not being a friend yourself by describing them as stupid. On the other hand, if you genuinely think they are sexist and biased then why be friends with them?

For my part, I used to work with both Indian and Pakistani people at a large organization in Toronto. Members of these two ethnic groups got along fine at work, with only occasional debates about food. Of course airing racisct, sexist or otherwise discriminatory views at work would be grounds for losing one's job.

My prayer to you
Is that you do all the things you set out to do
And live your life the way you love

Thurston Moore, Psychic Hearts

Contributors: mcg7(4) chittesh(2) Portia(2) memphis(2) geetakhanna(2) tamilkuravan(1) Tourist(1) sridharm(1) wall-E(1) Desi # 1(1)

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