Hi Desigirl,
Yes there are jobs in Apparels as merchandiser/buyer /production manager etc. You may want to check with employement agencies that deal with these sectors. My wife found a job as a merchandiser in TO within 8-9 months of landing and in Montreal within the same amount of time. From what I know(from the wife) the industry is bigger in Montreal than TO. Infact there is a section in the classifieds(Montreal Gazette) called 'needle trade' that caters to jobs in the industry. the jobs you would find are with.
2) Dept stores(e.g: Sears in their imports division). There are a few desis(merchandisers) in the TO office already.
3) Outlets(e.g parasuco, esprit etc)
There are also opportunities as buying agents etc.
Getting in as a buyer could be difficult but rising from the ranks from merchandiser to asst-buyer to buyer...is possible.
Importing could be risky(as Faisals friend found out). Most importers make frequent trips to paris/LA etc to pick up samples and then develop their sampling packages by modifying the original designs. This, however, takes a good knowledge of the market and may not be advisable until you are working in the industry OR have deep pockets. You also have the option of importing basics and/or stock lots which will be easier to sell.
This is all second hand knowledge(via my wife) who runs her own business as an importer/agent. There is competition but not much more than anywhere else.
Check out www.apparel.ca(a listing of importers/manufactureres etc) and maybe place a few calls to the importers before you land here. I think depending on your experience/skills/attitude/luck you can find employment in the field. All the best.
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My sincere thanks to Wisernow and Jake3d for the valuable information.
Jake, your comments have given me a boost up and now I feel confident.
I appreciate your wife's endeavours.Will it be possible to get in touch with her .
Thanks and regards,
sent you the info.
btw: you using 'thanks and regards' too . Have not seen that used anywhere before cdesi.
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Hi! Jake,
Thanks once again for your reply.I have sent a reply at your email.
BTW,\"thanks and regards\" are apart of a DESI girls culture bcoz,thats how they are! No matter where a desi girl is -Canada/ US/Singapore, a desi girl does not forget the ethics of life.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Desi girl, say my hello to Mr Raj as well
something about /thanks and regards / -....as a practice, the indian company i started my career with used to end all their letters with / thanks and regards/...they went to ridiculous ends that even their fax transmittals ended with /thanks and regards/
in US when i wrote for the first time /thanks and regards/ in a letter there were smiles all around , people discussed / thanks and regards/ with me more than the contents of the letter.
I feel it is just one of those common norms of different parts of the world, it is common there but not here . Either way , it just conveys goodwill.
Thanks and warm regards
Mishtar India
What can be imagined, can be achieved.
Desigirl, MI...for enlightening me
Thanks and regards
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