Translation of birth certificate for citizenship application

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Member since: Jan 18
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-01-18 02:58:47

I am in the process of applying for a replacement citizenship certificate for my two children born in Bangkok. The Thai language birth certificates were previously translated to English in Thailand and used for their first application for a citizenship certificate (and returned to me) but I’m not sure these translations done in Thailand will be accepted again with this new application. I'm back in Canada now and will be preparing my applications here. I checked the immigration website and it mentions that I not only need an English translation but also an affidavit from the person who completed the translation and a certified copy of the original. The translation document that was done in Thailand has a stamp that says "Certified Correct Translation" and includes the translator's name and the name of the translation office. On the back of the translation is stamp that says "Seen at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and signed by a Diplomatic Service Officer at the Ministry. If I submit this along with a certified copy of the original birth certificate, would this suffice? Or would I have to get new translations done here in Canada?

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-01-18 20:30:00

A few Documents are Issued only through One Office and from One Single Location. They cannot be changed. If you request for a re-issue, they will only provide you with another IDENTICAL DOCUMENT. None different from the previous issue.

You have a Document that has been translated by a QUALIFIED Translator, and it was then accepted by the Department of Foreign Affairs as VALID and True to the Original. It is a Document worth its weight in GOLD. Hang onto it dearly and use it wisely.

Now to your KWESCHEN..: Submit a COPY of the same AS the ONE you have in your Possession, If it is Double sided, then, get the Copy also made double sided. (The Technology currently will enable you to do that) AND Get it NOTARIZED by a lawyer or a Notary Public and submit the same. Please get a few Valid Copies for your files.

DO NOT, Repeat, Do not, undertake to get a second one and make work for yourself. The CITIZENSHIP section will make an appointment with you and call you to present yourself and the required Documents and pay the fees also at that time. Alternately it is through the mail. Use what ever means suits you most. Please collect the ORIGINALS back.

Hope this helps.



Originally posted by jace829

I am in the process of applying for a replacement citizenship certificate for my two children born in Bangkok. The Thai language birth certificates were previously translated to English in Thailand and used for their first application for a citizenship certificate (and returned to me) but I’m not sure these translations done in Thailand will be accepted again with this new application. I'm back in Canada now and will be preparing my applications here. I checked the immigration website and it mentions that I not only need an English translation but also an affidavit from the person who completed the translation and a certified copy of the original. The translation document that was done in Thailand has a stamp that says "Certified Correct Translation" and includes the translator's name and the name of the translation office. On the back of the translation is stamp that says "Seen at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and signed by a Diplomatic Service Officer at the Ministry. If I submit this along with a certified copy of the original birth certificate, would this suffice? Or would I have to get new translations done here in Canada?

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