BSE sensex is on a roll these days. Everyday, you can see 10% and 20% gains. I think that TSX never moves that fast.
I have found the trick to make money on the Sensex but I donot have any funds now. I have put up my ancestral home for sale but due to the second Covid wave, I don't have any buyers as yet.
Since I plan to be on welfare till the rest of my life, I choose Vancouver BC where atleast the climate is a little nicer.
Murali from Chennai
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
TK, Can you please check your PM?
A Proud Indian Canadian
Yes GG,
I did check. I am not able to make a new thread. Only able to add in existing discussions.
Murali from Chennai
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Can you please reply me back on the PM?
A Proud Indian Canadian
TK, Can you please try now?
A Proud Indian Canadian
Yes. It is working now.
Thanks a ton.
Murali from Chennai
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
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