Our first three months in Canada

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 110
Location: Mississauga, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-09-04 09:23:51


I'm glad to be back online after a long break, the main reason being limited access to a PC. I hope to catch up soon with all that has been happening on Canadiandesi.

I arrrived on June 23 with my two younger children and my husband and eldest daughter arrived the following month. We stayed with friends initially and moved into a nice rented walkout basement in central Mississauga on Sept. 1, 2004.

In general, our stay here has been quite progressive and positive. The initial resettlement was fairly easy with regard to PR, SIN, opening bank accounts, etc. Our Indian drivers licences however needed to be verified at the Indian Embassy - I think this is a new requirement here. Settlling into our rented apartment, getting a phone line, and PC took some effort. Preparing Canadian-style resumes and job hunting took considerable time and effort, but our hard work has eventually paid off and we have been attending a few interviews and hope to start work in our fields in early October. Our daughter did some volunteer work and is now working at entry-level in a lawyer's office. Our son was fortunate in getting admission into the correct grade (Grade 11) on par with his peers with 16 credits and is attending a good catholic school close to where we live. He is enjoying his new subjects and activities and plays soccer every evening with friends of his age in a park nearby.

The family who lives in the bungalow above us is very pleasant and helpful. They too have relatives who have recently arrived in Canada and we have a lot in common.

My advice to newcomers would be to focus on integrating each member of the family into the way of life here. Start in a modest way and focus on finding a job that you like. Hold on to your money (it tends to disappear very fast here). Opt for a job that you enjoy rather than one that fetches more money, because a lot of time and effort is spent at ones job and there is not much happening socially to keep ones spirits high. Nuture relationships within your family and friend circle and network as much as you can, because life can get lonely here sometimes.

On the whole, I would say that Canada has made a good first impression on us and we look forward to a long and happy stay here.

Best Wishes and Regards to all.

:cheers: Margo

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up - - Paul Valery

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 228

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-09-04 09:47:36

Hello Margo,

Nice to know that you are doing well.

Our very best to you and your family.



Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-09-04 10:12:41

Hey Margo

Nice to see a post from someone who's organized, positive and is integrating / settling in well.

Pity that there's so few of us who post on this site, that we end up looking like the "exceptions" in Canada.


Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 188
Location: Kingston

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-09-04 22:27:23


Nice to see you mail, that you are quite satisfy even in the very begigning. Here I would like to ask you, where from you have been shifted, You have mentioned that your son has got the addmission in good school, in the grade he required.

Can you please inform me, did he was required to give any tests (ILET,TOFFEL etc.), or he has got the addmission simply on the basis of previous certificates.

Actually I am also moving from India very shortly, and my son who at present is studying in Grade XI here in India, is supposed to get the addmission in XII in the next session of Canada,

So please inform me does he need to prepare something else.

Orginally posted by Margo
Our son was fortunate in getting admission into the correct grade (Grade 11) on par with his peers with 16 credits and is attending a good catholic school close to where we live. He is enjoying his new subjects and activities and plays soccer every evening with friends of his age in a park nearby.

:cheers: Margo


Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 110
Location: Mississauga, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-09-04 09:17:10

Many thanks for the good wishes :cheers:

In reply to oshoexports:

My son had to do a 3-hour evaluation test at the school board in English and Math. They also looked at the Grade 10 (SSC board exam) mark sheet to determine his academic performance. The incharge at the school board read an article to him and asked him some comprehension-type questions before determining that he was suitable to go to the next grade.

There is no need to do TOEFL or any other exams. What they look for here is whether your child will be able to cope with the syllabus in the Grade to which he will be promoted. I think your son will not have a problem, except perhaps with English which is taught in a much better way here, and subsequently the children here have an advantage in terms of expression, usage, and vocabulary. They might suggest a course in ESL (English as a second language) which is often very helpful.

Since your son will have only one year (Grade 12) before getting his high school diploma, he would need to be very attentive and adjust quickly to the Ontario Board expectations. It takes a little more effort, but many of our friends' children have done it, so there is no need for concern.

I hope that answers your queries. If not, do feel free to ask me at any time.

Best Wishes and Good Luck

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up - - Paul Valery

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-09-04 11:34:25

Just to add in case ou guys are not aware about it - high school students who have less than 4 years of school education in Canada and are getting into the university, need to appear for TOEFL as a pre-requisite to admission into any university in Ontario ( I am not sure if the same rule applies to other provinces).

In case of Queen's (Kingston), they require 5 years instead of 4 years.



Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 110
Location: Mississauga, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-09-04 20:10:57


Many thanks for the timely advice. Could a high school student appear for the TOEFL exam whilst still in school, maybe during the summer vacation, so that he has his TOEFL scores ready before he applies for university admission? Please advise where this test can be taken.

Thanks and regards

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up - - Paul Valery

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