Hi ,
I am a chemical engineer with 14 years of experience and exploring possibilities to relocate to Alberta. cna anyone suggest where in Alberta to move. I am presently located in toronto and it seems that there is no possibility of a good job as an chemical engineer in toronto
Calgary has all Oil company Head quarters.
Edmonton has Refineries.
Red Deer, Brooks, Nisku, Grande Prairie are the small cities with Gas Plants and Refineries. Basically all over alberta .
You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership
i am glad to hav this info. but how soon can we expect an interview or a job in the chemical field. and can we get a odd job for survival.
Well Maheen don't get discourage by seeing local job market and most immigrants who are in labour market but you can see those who starts building Canadian experience gets job in their field of education/experience here. It is not that Alberta and Calgary only have jobs for high techs so most chemical engineers will be absorb there.
How long have you been here? It takes a while to find out the right way to get a good job here. I tell you though there is discrimination here but mainly because of lack of proper approach and proper attitude to sell your qualification (education/experience) most of us experience problem to get a right job. I don’t mean that those not getting good job has bad attitude. it may be because of one or the other reasons some times we fail to get a good job.
Experience matters most in most of the jobs here.I am telling you this because my own experience and friends of mines most of them are settled in their field here.Even if you don't have qualification from here if your past experience is useful to that company one can be hired without proper local licensing .
Come to your field Chemical: there are lots of small to medium scale Chemical industries here. You find out the names and addresses and go personally there or some how contact right hiring Manager (Don't wait for the vacancy in your field to be created in those companies). Keep in touch for long time, find out what is their requirement and prepare your resume that way, anticipate questions and keep your answers ready. I am sure you are going to get the job eventually not only here wherever you go.
So don't take decision to move from here to another place right away I believe It is the age in which by seating here you can get a job in Japan, it is in the same country, you can try for job in those provinces through Internet while looking for job here it may take a while but I believe there would be some positive outcome.
I know some of the chemical companies here where you can try. Few of them are
(1) Fielding Chemicals Mississauga, (2) ISP (old name Degussa Hull), Toronto (3) Nalco, Burlington (4) Petro Canada lots of Paint companies, lots of Food Industries around here hire personnel with Chemical engineering background like Cadbury Adams in Scarborough, Colgate in Toronto, Craft Niagara, Oakville etc.
Even without upgrading yourself with proper approach you can get a reasonably good job but if you upgrade according to local requirement it is well & good.
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