Dear Friends,
Is there any one who can guide me. I was living in Kuwait for 4 years with my wife. Later we moved to UAE and since last 2 years we are in Sharjah. We applied for Immigration to Canada in April 2005. I was been adviced by my Consultant that I need to get the PCC from Kuwait also as I stayed there for more than 6 months. However I tried approaching the Kuwait External Affair office & Embassy in UAE and they did not responded and did not entertained.(Any one from GCC can understand this type of approach very well)
Is there any other way to get the same.Or any one here on Canadian desi who has been through similar experience for Kuwait PCC getting from UAE.
Looking forward for your helping response as always
Hi Maple,
Its been some time since you've posted your problem.
But if its still unresolved, try using some 'vaastha'. Take a local UAE gentle man from your friends circle / or from the company itself.
First explain to them what the issue is before taking them to the Kuwait consulate.
Thanks buddy for your reply. On further checking on the CHC website it clearly mentions for Kuwait, that either you go personaly to Kuwait or send somebody on your behalf as an authorised person. I wonder how you go personaly when you do not have a visa to Kuwait. Secondly if some one goes on your behalf that guy also need to be hired unless you have some real good friends there. My agent says mostly in such circumstances they waive off the PCC for Kuwait.
Any way appreciate for responding.
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