My Experience in Trillium Hospital over this weekend!

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Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 103

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 11:50:04

Originally posted by Pink Panther

Originally posted by STHIRU18

I have waited hours at the waiting rooms of "specialist" doctors who charge 200 rupees for an appointment. There have been times when these doctors would turn up at the clinic several hours behind (because they were busy at another clinic in the city). Perhaps many of us have gone through this, but don't want to remember these unpleasant situations. However the moment we land here, we expect everything to be perfect!.

Let's face it. The systems here are not perfect, and lot needs to be done. There are webs of politics, corporate greed and red tape around these issues. It would make sense to write to George Smitherman the minister for health in Ontario. Let us petition him and ask him to do something about these waiting times.

Rather than get cynical, lets's act. Any takers?

Exactly my point! Perhaps people who have come to Canada from another country (not just India) are forgetting that perhaps life wasn't that great in their original countries to begin with and made the decison to move to Canada. And when Canada doesn't meet their high and unrealistic expectations of a fabulous life, they start to wander why they came to Canada.

At least u still have a choice to go to another doctor and pay him the fee. U can call ur family doctor at 1 AM in the morning and he'll come.

Out here u can't do either. U r left at the mercy of the emergency or quacks sitting in walk in clinics (who without looking at ur face prescribe u Penecillin)

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 219
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 11:51:34

Originally posted by babail
As I said before, don't avoid the topic. :D It's fun.

And you know what's even more fun ?

Originally posted by BlueLobster

The topic has floated from Canadian healthcare to something completely different.

Please everyone, try to stick to the topic at hand.

Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 103

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 11:58:38

Originally posted by jake3d


I wonder why the country keeps on crying about the amount of teenage sex issues and getting pregnant. Getting pregnant is also a part of image for a lot of women. So why waste all this money on this issue as in the end all this is a part of ur image as Jake says because in the end the teenager will become a woman ????????

what the heck are you talking about? You seem to be bitter about something. Relax this is just a forum.

teenage pregnancies/extra-marital sex etc are are not restricted to this country btw. You do read Indian newspapers right?

Sex is an important part of ones identity...meaning denying that we are sexual beings is like denying ourselves the chance to be whole.

As with anything else a parents role is probably to suggest a direction to take. Avoiding the topic is probably more harmful. Just my opinion...does it make me a porn star babail ?:D

I never said they are restricted to this country. I know it happens all across the globe. I only said if it's so much important part of everyone's image and ppl. are so open minded out here why is everyone crying about these issues as according to u it's all part of ur image.

If sex is such an important part of identity, I wonder all the big names like Buddha, Mahavira and many other names became whole by being away from sex. Even Jesus never married.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:03:00

Originally posted by babail

There are ppl. like Buddha, Mahavir and many more etc who became peaceful etc by going away from a sex filled life.

at their levels sex is not part of the identity simply because the body is not either. They have transcended all bodily needs. Theres a long time for either of us to reach that level.

Originally posted by babail

As I said before, don't avoid the topic. It's fun. Strange thing is that though parents talk to kids about non-voilence, gun problem etc, but each day we hear more problems relating to kids aggression and gun problems in teenagers.

Is it because of the video games, is it too much talk about it in school, is it because of seeing guns available around them???? Same thing about sex, too much shows and games depicting sex, too much talk in school, seeing condoms etc around u????

You really think its sensible to equate sex filled commercial content(movies/video games) and peer influence(talking amongst themselves) to sex education?

According to me sex education is about arming children against the 'education' they will otherwise receive from the above mentioned sources. Same thing about guns etc.

Do you see the difference? Is anybody there ? :p

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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:05:42

Originally posted by babail

If sex is such an important part of identity, I wonder all the big names like Buddha, Mahavira and many other names became whole by being away from sex. Even Jesus never married.

read above post. They deal at the level of the soul. You and I are talking about Cdesi's. Ideally we all will attain that level one day.

Also IMAGE is very different from IDENTITY. One is what you want others to see. The other is what you are!

Problems arise from confusing the the two to be synonymous with each other. Stop doing that to yourself

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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:06:29

Guys, take a hint. Let's either get back to discussing "Medical Care in Canada" or start a new (and meaningless) thread related to the Good (about India) and the Bad (about Canada).

Microsoft - Which end of the stick do you want today?

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 163

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:08:38

As I said before, don't avoid the topic. :D It's fun.

It's not only fun but it could be a source of potential employment too. Gigolo's earn good money so someday we may find a post in the success section. Not only is the money good but its all physical labour with lots of enjoyment thrown in. Towards the end of the day no one will be complaining about it.


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