My Experience in Trillium Hospital over this weekend!

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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:09:39

Originally posted by DesiTiger

Guys, take a hint. Let's either get back to discussing "Medical Care in Canada" or start a new (and meaningless) thread related to the Good (about India) and the Bad (about Canada).

Youre right...thats it for me. Gotto go see all those women :)

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Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 103

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:25:33

Originally posted by jake3d

Originally posted by babail

There are ppl. like Buddha, Mahavir and many more etc who became peaceful etc by going away from a sex filled life.

at their levels sex is not part of the identity simply because the body is not either. They have transcended all bodily needs. Theres a long time for either of us to reach that level.

Originally posted by babail

As I said before, don't avoid the topic. It's fun. Strange thing is that though parents talk to kids about non-voilence, gun problem etc, but each day we hear more problems relating to kids aggression and gun problems in teenagers.

Is it because of the video games, is it too much talk about it in school, is it because of seeing guns available around them???? Same thing about sex, too much shows and games depicting sex, too much talk in school, seeing condoms etc around u????

You really think its sensible to equate sex filled commercial content(movies/video games) and peer influence(talking amongst themselves) to sex education?

According to me sex education is about arming children against the 'education' they will otherwise receive from the above mentioned sources. Same thing about guns etc.

Do you see the difference? Is anybody there ? :p

Talking and educating is one thing, and throwing it in front is one thing. Strange u can't differentiate the 2. :D

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:32:09

Originally posted by babail

I never said they are restricted to this country. I know it happens all across the globe. I only said if it's so much important part of everyone's image and ppl. are so open minded out here why is everyone crying about these issues as according to u it's all part of ur image.

If sex is such an important part of identity, I wonder all the big names like Buddha, Mahavira and many other names became whole by being away from sex. Even Jesus never married.

Umm, actually, there is evidence to suggest that Jesus did marry (Mary Magdalene) and in fact had a child/children.

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 47

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:44:56

Originally posted by jake3d

Originally posted by DesiTiger

Guys, take a hint. Let's either get back to discussing "Medical Care in Canada" or start a new (and meaningless) thread related to the Good (about India) and the Bad (about Canada).

Youre right...thats it for me. Gotto go see all those women :)

sure let's talk about medicare. It's the most useless system I have come across. Here in BC we pay 50$ per person, plus for the extended medical which is cut from our pay, even then we have to pay 20% premium as it covers only 80%.

And for that what do we get. Doctors don't care a bit. Emergencies are a joke. Women are refused beds for delivery as they don't have enough beds. Ppl. are waiting for MRI's for 7 mths and in between their situation might elevate. Sitting in emergency room with ur wife who is throwing up every 10 minutes, from 12 AM to 8.30 AM no one even looks at her, because they are busy talking and gossiping with each other. A 80+ woman sitting there for last 5 hrs with an open wound and no one comes and even stop the bleeding. Seniors murdered in senior homes as the couple was separated from each other even though they are paying more than 2000+ each month, without informing any one in the family . A 2 yr kid got burnt and they put on a bandage at the emergency without putting any thing between and the bandage got stuck. U should have heard the child cry next day at the family doctors place. I went to a walk in once because my family doctor wouldn't see me for 4 more days though I had fever of 104. Went I reached the walk in, the doctor asked me do I have fever. I said yes. I had only said yes and he wipped out his pen and wrote penecillin. Didn't chk it, didn't ask how much it was.
Then there are many other stories I have heard.................. Yes agreed India is no better for the horror stories, but atleast we know and agree to that. Looking at the poverty and population level it's hard to control and regulate. Again just excuses I agree. But what about a country which has population level of what might be the total of one city like Mumbai, considered to be a first world nation and still can't provide anything.

the term is Pathetic.

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 12:58:17

Well it might be pathetic but you also have to consider this...

Since 1990 the government of Canada has sought to drastically decrease it’s soaring budget deficit. In order to help with this they have significantly reduced the amount of financial commitment going into our hospitals and there has been a sharp decrease in their spending on hospitals. This as you can imagine has taken it’s toll on our system no doubt, not to mention tested the patience of our doctors and nurses who have had to deal with a lot of change, less resources as well as the fact of being over worked and underpaid.

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 149

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 14:01:48

Why not consider Indian degrees or any other country's degree what is so special in Canada's degress,people who are coming here with great education, have spent so much money to become something and so many efforts also but for canada those degrees are nothing those Doctors are not doctors for them Infact they are driving Cabs ,delivering pizzas etc etc....

They can't give this excuse that they have less Doctors ...

And also we all know that Desis(who are newly imigrated) have more education ,more knowlegde and they are more efficent than the Goras....

And nobody can deny this.

Originally posted by Pink Panther

Well it might be pathetic but you also have to consider this...

Since 1990 the government of Canada has sought to drastically decrease it’s soaring budget deficit. In order to help with this they have significantly reduced the amount of financial commitment going into our hospitals and there has been a sharp decrease in their spending on hospitals. This as you can imagine has taken it’s toll on our system no doubt, not to mention tested the patience of our doctors and nurses who have had to deal with a lot of change, less resources as well as the fact of being over worked and underpaid.

Truly Indian

Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 47

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-06 14:41:16

Originally posted by Pink Panther

Well it might be pathetic but you also have to consider this...

Since 1990 the government of Canada has sought to drastically decrease it’s soaring budget deficit. In order to help with this they have significantly reduced the amount of financial commitment going into our hospitals and there has been a sharp decrease in their spending on hospitals. This as you can imagine has taken it’s toll on our system no doubt, not to mention tested the patience of our doctors and nurses who have had to deal with a lot of change, less resources as well as the fact of being over worked and underpaid.

That's not for me to think about. If there are so many defecits since 1990 and u can't provide anything to the public, Privatise it. The only thing is all the govt. workers won't make any salaries as they find a new alternative so quickly than the next 20 yrs wasted talking.

Patience of doctors and nurses. My doctor in India works from 7 in the morning till 9 in the evening. Plus he works over weekends just for emergency patients. Also he is available 24x7. Plus he must have a patient list which is 30 times bigger than any doctor out here. Even then when I have called him 2-3 times from here, which is generally during is evening when he is at home, without any charges gives me advise over the phone. He has chatted with me, he has laughed with me. Doctors here, first thing they do is look at time. Sorry we don't give more than 15-20 minutes (though they only spend 5 minutes maximum)

All of u put down India for corruption, bribes etc. Have u ever thought for a moment that what those peons, clerks are paid. Not even 1/200th of the salary of the doctor out here. But they work like horses. How come no one says we can understand what those ppl have to go through, but when it comes to these SO CALLED FIRST COUNTRIES, it's always oh look at this and that. Look at these poor doctors Instead of making 300K this year they only got 280K. Oh poor guy, he'll starve. That salary can pay for atleast 8 families in Canada or most probably 30 families in India.

At least those guys perform and do their job and duty when they take a bribe and that salary which is not enough for even feeding their family. What do the doctors do out here. Every doctor I have gone to out here, after looking at one patient goes in his own room, sits for 5-10 min and then comes and looks at the next one. Come in late, not see u for days..... What do nurses do strike each year. That's all exceptable to all of u but not what those poor ppl. are doing to raise their families in India.

Gosh and u call ppl like me and Jasmeek negative. I prefer to be negative, but atleast I can see the other side specially for those ppl who are below poverty line. U see only bad side of India, but never want to sympathise with the country u were born in.

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