My Experience in Trillium Hospital over this weekend!

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Member since: Oct 05
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 15:53:53

I agree with Pink Panther. In this day and age of easy international travel it still amazes me that people think that the everyone in the western world lives in luxury. If your only reason for coming to the west is for monetary reasons then you're much better off in India. Life in India is so much better these days. Jobs are available with very good salaries and a friend of mine, who is in his twenties like me, just made a million US dollars in an IT startup in Bangalore. Opportunities are enormous in India these days. I am in Canada for entirely different reasons than just financial and hence I am very happy here.


I am very sorry to hear about the struggles your little girl went through. It's a rude shock to experience the health care system in the west after India. Just to make you feel better, it is no better in the US or anywhere in Europe. I have lived in the US for a decade and recently had a health scare. I was so dissatisfied with the quality of help I received that I complained to the hostpital. This happened in Houston which is supposed to have the most advanced hospital system anywhere. I also paid huge bills and this was after paying a steep monthly insurance payment. This brings me back to my original point. If it is good customer service and service that you are after, India is the best place to be. I don't advice people that are very well adjusted in India with a good network of friends and family to leave everything behind to come to the west when everything is available in India these days.

Just my 2 cents.

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 15:59:28

Originally posted by jasmeek

Ok if they are educating children then they are encourging childern also to have sex any time with any one they can just educate them.

As i mentioned earlier, I have grown up in a canadian school system and there is NO encouragement to have sex "anytime with anyone". In fact, there is a lot of emphasis on abstinence (which is waiting to have sex when you are married)


.And you tell me how many go children go for studies and thats the reason our comunity children don't like to go and stay in India for a longer period becoz there they lose this Sex freedom .

I disagree again. There are many cultural differences lifestyle differences, even food and water differences that many youth may not want to or be able to adjust to. unfortunately, I dont think you have talked with a variety of canadians, but may have found a group of people who just gave you one sided view.

I agree that north american society can be seen as permissive, compared to parts of India that are very conservative. However, I also know there are areas in India (ie metro cities) where youth party - go clubbing etc. Do you think those youth are not having sex? doing drugs etc?

~ Morning rain

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 149

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 16:20:57

Ok guys one day someone said that we can't express our feeling and can't say negative also.

So today I'm saying that one day people will start Lying on this site so that you guys can't say that he is wrong,my point of view is that people who are here for so long everything looks very good for them but just see the standard of living in India is so good and when a person comes from good place and who was doing good job and was earning good money and somehow comes here by listening all the talks of western countries like FREE Education ,FREE Health system which is the worst as you all can see...and they think they can earn more than what they were earning but everything goes into the well when they keep their dergrees in the box and never get chance to see and to use them becoz Canada only wants Labour -EDUCATED OR UNEDUCATED.

Ok Canada is the best country to live in this World (happy now)

Truly Indian

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 16:41:41

Originally posted by jasmeek

Ok guys one day someone said that we can't express our feeling and can't say negative also.

So today I'm saying that one day people will start Lying on this site so that you guys can't say that he is wrong,my point of view is that people who are here for so long everything looks very good for them but just see the standard of living in India is so good and when a person comes from good place and who was doing good job and was earning good money and somehow comes here by listening all the talks of western countries like FREE Education ,FREE Health system which is the worst as you all can see...and they think they can earn more than what they were earning but everything goes into the well when they keep their dergrees in the box and never get chance to see and to use them becoz Canada only wants Labour -EDUCATED OR UNEDUCATED.

Ok Canada is the best country to live in this World (happy now)

If you put an opinion on a public forum, especially where the india vs canada debate occurs often, then expect to get a response - supportive or non supportive.

Also - did you know anyone already established here before you immigrated? Did you speak to them about their experiences. As an educated person wouldnt you analyse whether FREE education/health = "better"?

~ Morning rain

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 16:48:09

Originally posted by morning_rain

Originally posted by jasmeek

Ok guys one day someone said that we can't express our feeling and can't say negative also.

So today I'm saying that one day people will start Lying on this site so that you guys can't say that he is wrong,my point of view is that people who are here for so long everything looks very good for them but just see the standard of living in India is so good and when a person comes from good place and who was doing good job and was earning good money and somehow comes here by listening all the talks of western countries like FREE Education ,FREE Health system which is the worst as you all can see...and they think they can earn more than what they were earning but everything goes into the well when they keep their dergrees in the box and never get chance to see and to use them becoz Canada only wants Labour -EDUCATED OR UNEDUCATED.

Ok Canada is the best country to live in this World (happy now)

If you put an opinion on a public forum, especially where the india vs canada debate occurs often, then expect to get a response - supportive or non supportive.

Also - did you know anyone already established here before you immigrated? Did you speak to them about their experiences. As an educated person wouldnt you analyse whether FREE education/health = "better"?

I agree with that....besides nothing in life is really 'free'

How long have you lived in Canada jasmeek?

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 219
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 16:56:36

It was year 1970 when my parents moved from their home town to Baroda (a small-to-medium size city of western India)
The moving distance was ~150 KMs.

Both had faith.
It took more than 15 years for my mother to overcome the "I-miss-my-home-town" feeling. But today they are proud of their decision.
That is my inspiration.

I moved 15000 KMs. I have already learned my lesson. I have faith.
I don't expect this a smooth move. It's gonna take time.

Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 103

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-04-06 17:03:23

Originally posted by Pink Panther

Seems to me most people who have come to Canada from India are unhappy....but what do you expect? Do you think that by coming here that Canada will somehow save you? That you are coming to some sort of paradise where you get everything you need? Do you expect that life will automatically be better here? And when this doesn't happen, you give up, saying that Canada is a bad place to live. Well too sad for you, because unless you are willing to work hard, adapt to the culture you are now living in, and thank your lucky stars that you have a roof over your head and food on your table, then you will be dissapointed.

You can't expect it all to fall into your lap....a good life in a country like this comes from hard work, good education, an optimistic attitude and a little bit of luck. Don't trash the country because things don't go your way or it doesn't live up to your unrealistic standards of what you think life here in Canada should be.

I thk that would go for any country. So why diss India. If u couldnt work hard to keep it clean, to become something u run off to Canada, and then blame India and Indian's for that ?????

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