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Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 1014

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 14:42:37

Deleted for nonsense!!

There's a way to post your opinions! You obviously have no clue on that.


Don't post any replies on this thread or I will ban you immediately!

- BL

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 15:25:17

Originally posted by diamond_n
Hi all,
I've seen a lot of posts where people have stated their reasons for leaving / wanting to leave Canada. It would be nice if those who've decided to stay on in Canada despite all the hardships could post their reasons for doing so.
It would probably help prospective immigrants like me in deciding whether to take that final step.
Thanks to all

Let me just tell this to you from my view point. It may or maynot happen to any other immigrant.
For the past 2 or 3 days, i found that i had done a very big mistake in my work. It was not entirely my mistake but a consultant did it 3 months ago and it was in my desk. Due to too much work pressure, i did not check it. It went permit and the house is about to be built. I found that all the drgs. done by the consultant was wrong. I knew that my boss will repramind me and or insult me.
Before that happened i decided that i will quit if he ever insulted me. I then thought of these options :
1. i have $48 in my chequing account.
2. even if i decide to leave for USA/Dubai, where is the money to move to these places, try to find a job and settle down.
3. if i keep on changing countries for my job every now and then where is stability? How many times will i keep on relocating?
4. I canot try for aother job in Canada since it may be very very hard to get one or there might be none at all.

After all these delebrations i found that i really had no choice. I being in a professional office have so much problems. what will be the state of people in labour jobs or min. wage jobs?
This is the reality.
Sidenote : I told my boss about the mistake. He hit his forehead before me. The client is on vacation in Italy. The client is coming next week. Over phone, he indicated to my boss that he might file a law suit over him. My boss did not speak to me after that.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 219
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 15:43:04

. All 4 seasons visible.
. If you are a nature lover, within 2 hour drive you can enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature !
. For half of the year it's more than 12 hours of sunlight !
. Winter is tough. But roads are always clean ! (well yea, our snow removal guy do need break on weekend morning ;) )
. Environment awareness, importance of recycling, organic waste. You and me can see the difference.
. Health care system uses same measurements for all income level families. No descrimination between 24K and 100K. Ai'nt that lovely ? ;)
. And finally this website :D ... few ppls do really care and give good advices ;)

Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 545
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 18:10:39

Apart from all the above, I would add:

A lot of respect in your workplace. I love India too but I still have few working years and I donot think I can work in India. I get total independence in my work. My boss listens to my views. He/She doesnot say, I am the boss, do as I say.

I also do what I like. I donot have to do certain things even though donot like but for the fear of what others will say.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 18:21:50

What you said was opposite in my case.Let me eloborate :

India : Office 9-5, No one cares if you work or not. if you finish work, then you will be given more work. Contractor gets blame for wrong design/ construction. No picking of garbage of the office. I can shout at my boss (and he will/ can shout back at me). We knew everyone's salary. No fear of layoff. No need to "Chamcha" the boss. Coffee was served 3 times a day (full milk coffee). Tiffin if i stayed after 5:00pm. From 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm used to play video games. Ate tiffin and went home at 6:15 pm. No need to work on weekends.. I could dicsuss my personal family matters with my boss ( and vice versa). No bad language was allowed. Free to talk to any one at any time. Free sweets for any project begining. Movie passes once month. For site visits, you go by company car or can claim Auto fare.The place i worked was not a Govt. office. It was L&T. (people say that many people resigned govt. jobs to join in L&T for their work culture).This job is still open to me at Rs. 18K a month (Chennai or b'lore)

Canada: You know my life in Canada. It is exactly opposite to the points mentioned in India.

Same place. Different situations/ experiences
Sidenote : I invite anyone to conter these statements.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 18:51:42

Originally posted by lana2005

Apart from all the above, I would add:

A lot of respect in your workplace. I love India too but I still have few working years and I donot think I can work in India. I get total independence in my work. My boss listens to my views. He/She doesnot say, I am the boss, do as I say.

I also do what I like. I donot have to do certain things even though donot like but for the fear of what others will say.

Hey I forgot to add the work part. I have been fortunate to work in such companies too for the last few years. I like the fact that most of the places I've worked at is non-hierarchical. Even if there is a hierarchy the boss does not 'boss' me around.

One more thing which is beautifull here is the change of seasons. Especially the change from winter to spring. Well, today its almost like winter to summer. Birds come out, children stay out for longer durations :). Skirts get shorter :):)

Gotto attend to the bbq now.

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Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-04-06 19:22:29

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Contractor gets blame for wrong design/ construction.

I really worry about the status of the projects done by your company in India, if no engineers are ready to take the blame. Thank God we have PEO, who does the policing to make sure, engineers take full responsibility and pride in their work


No picking of garbage of the office.

So who picks the garbage here. AFAIK, all the offices have a contract with cleaning services who does the services.

And afterall, it won't hurt to have a little civic sense and maintain tidiness and cleanliness at your workplace


We knew everyone's salary.


No need to "Chamcha" the boss.

So from where did the word "Chamcha originate??

Coffee was served 3 times a day (full milk coffee).

In Canada we have unlimited coffee at any part of day. You can pour as much cream as you want


No need to work on weekends.. I could dicsuss my personal family matters with my boss ( and vice versa).

Is it any different here? Ultimately, it depends upon your boss. It hardly matters whether you are in Canada or overseas

No bad language was allowed. Free to talk to any one at any time.

So which Canadian company would allow foul language at the workplace:confused: And most of the managers either sit in cubicles and are always approachable.

Free sweets for any project begining.

Free donuts every Friday

For site visits, you go by company car or can claim Auto fare.

Same here.


Canada: You know my life in Canada. It is exactly opposite to the points mentioned in India.

Too bad. You should start looking for a better job.


P.S. - Message for moderator. Is there an icon of a smiley banging his head to wall? I have seen such icon on other site :p

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