To UAE for work from Canada-Anyone coming with me?

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Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 115
Location: brampton. ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-06 09:03:24

Looking at the employement agencies link in Middle East posted by TK, I found there is a lot of demand for western educated professionls. I wonder why?

Member since: Jun 06
Posts: 23

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-06-06 20:37:44

1. First consider all jobs in UAE are two/three year contractual basis. What will you do after 3 years when this jobs term matures ( another constant threat of the job reserved only for locals 'Emitirised"half way thru)if you donot get a job. Jobs after all not floating around.

2. What is your background what is Ur profession my friend

3. Cheap... thats what they call us, you have got to love this guy, cheap hotels are located in Deirra and Sharjah area. Tey also serve as cheap brothels with Iranian and East block whores. In Dierra in the same hotel it is impossible to sleep at night due to heavy traffic at night. (there is never ny danger of police raids, as most on these whores works on someone bigs sponsorship)

the cost of liing is exteremly high it is an artifical society, and that much money too.
Best of luck Bhaiji

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-06-06 08:57:25

Originally posted by ghar_ke_sapne
They also serve as cheap brothels with Iranian and East block whores. In Dierra in the same hotel it is impossible to sleep at night due to heavy traffic at night.

I’m sure TK would love (no pun intended) to talk to them to ‘learn some Russian’ :D

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-06-06 09:41:58

Originally posted by ghar_ke_sapne

1. First consider all jobs in UAE are two/three year contractual basis. What will you do after 3 years when this jobs term matures ( another constant threat of the job reserved only for locals 'Emitirised"half way thru)if you donot get a job. Jobs after all not floating around.

2. What is your background what is Ur profession my friend

3. Cheap... thats what they call us,
4.Best of luck Bhaiji

1. I am aware of jobs to be on contract. I am a cdn. citizen and i have the option of coming to canada/India anytime.
2. My profession is degree in architecture, Architectural Project Management, Auto Cad Drafting and Aluminum glazing experience.
3. Looking for cheap (low cost) accomodation like YMCA, Dharmasala, PG Accomodation etc....
4. Thanks yarr!

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 188
Location: Beautiful BritishColumbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-06-06 02:27:42

TK Saab,
That is a bold decision and I wish you luck.
Instead of living your life where you are not happy, it just does not make sense to continue......
TK, this is your life live it the way you want it nobody is going to come and die with you. Do what you feel like doing, do what your heart desires, it is your life (as long as you do not break any laws).
Instead of looking at grumpy faces here, I am sure you will find joy in seeing \"the real happy faces of people\" in Dubai or anywhere else.
As each day passes with your unhappiness it is another day short of your life. And you have missed out on another day of joy.
I wish you the best and am sure you will find peace within you if you seek it in the right way.

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." (Nelson Mandela)

Member since: Sep 05
Posts: 71
Location: Vancouver

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-06-06 04:11:32

Originally posted by chandresh

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Sidenote : I am also looking for some tips from former UAE residents like cheap place to stay, agency contacts etc...

Why do you think that UAE residents will tell you about CHEAP places to stay??? Are those guys who live in UAE cheap???

Why don't you want to spend your life in good places - why do you always look for cheap things - ikea leftovers, cheap thrills etc. etc.

TK anna,
i understand from u r post tht you are looking for inexpensive place to stay. stay at dubai youth hostel. " target="_blank"> (copy and paste this url to u r browser in my pc it doesnot automatically goes to the site by clicking) you wont get any other place like this in UAE and don’t compare it with other 'hostels' this is quite different. Even top level executives would love to stay there. i myself have stayed there on some occasions. if you need the pic of the room i will send it to you. (remember to ask for sharing room they will give you single room and charge you sharing room price only.) the restrictions on number of days, drinks and food in room is not practiced. you can move to sharing accommodation with other desis by going through the ads on newspaper. as you have lived in gulf i don’t needed to elaborate on it.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-06-06 10:31:06

Tourist and Skeptical Thambi,
Thanks to both of you for sharing information about UAE. Please also note that my going to UAE is not set in stone but it subject to me settling some financial commitments here in Canada. I long for the life that UAE offers and am fed up of seeing Canadians all day long. I long to talk with my fellow tamils in my native language and share a joke or 2 in Tamil with them. I have 2 north indians and 1 andhra person in my office but my office does not encourage talking to them at my office time.
I request others who have lived in Dubai to share their experiences and give tips to people who are likely to go to Dubai/UAE from Canada on how to settle comfortably.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

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