Driving License - Middle East

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Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 133
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-07-10 15:39:14

Dear Freinds.,

Can you please advice me how I can get my driving licence in Ontario, Canada ( Hamilton / St Catherine area). I live in Middle East since 2001 holding driving licence of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar also has valid Indian Driving Licence also. Senior CD's from Middle East can throw some light pls.



Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-07-10 19:15:44

Originally posted by desertfox

Dear Freinds.,

Can you please advice me how I can get my driving licence in Ontario, Canada ( Hamilton / St Catherine area). I live in Middle East since 2001 holding driving licence of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar also has valid Indian Driving Licence also. Senior CD's from Middle East can throw some light pls.




Get a copy of your Driver's License and get it validated by the local department of Transport and the number of years that you held such a license. That goes for any and all of the countries that you held a Driver's License. (More than three years will be good)

You must have had a vehicle and if so, a letter from the Insurance Company with your driving record with them. (Clean or otherwise.)

Also get a membership of the local Automobile club there and through them an International Drivers license with a current photograph to enable you to drive here in Canada for a period of ninety days.

After you land here obtain a local Driver's training guide to get to know the local rules and signs and obtain the local knowledge. Write the local beginner's test and obtain G1 first and since you have an international Driver's License, you can produce that and the other proof required and pay the fees for the road test and obtain a local 'G' License. Until such time (up to the first 90 days) use the International Driver's License to drive on the roads. (If you are confident to drive on the opposite side of the road) 90 days should give you good practice here on the roads.

See the CD postings on the TEST locations and get some of the knowledge base with their experiences that are provided by the other students who took such tests at various locations.



Just out of curiosity see if you can rent a vehicle for a day right from there and see if you can obtain a vehicle at the airport arrival lounge, here. (Through the Automobile Agencies there)

Member since: May 10
Posts: 14

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-07-10 19:19:47

Originally posted by desertfox

Dear Freinds.,

Can you please advice me how I can get my driving licence in Ontario, Canada ( Hamilton / St Catherine area). I live in Middle East since 2001 holding driving licence of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar also has valid Indian Driving Licence also. Senior CD's from Middle East can throw some light pls.



Get a driving license experience certificate from the present country you are living in and other countries. You can get it from the licensing authority of the country. If the present country experience is more than 3 years, one country is enough. No need to get it from Qatar & Kuwait. I am assuming you are in Oman presently.

More info at - http://www.drivetest.ca/en/license/OutOfCountryDrivers.aspx

Good luck

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 133
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-07-10 12:35:12


Thanks for the tips. I'm currently in Qatar.


Member since: Nov 10
Posts: 1

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-10 15:20:13

I am in doha too.Shifting soon to toronto.Can you advise what you did.

Member since: Apr 11
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-06-11 02:30:23

Qatar Procedure for driving licence

Go to traffic department in madina Khalifa . Tell the typist
you need the "whomsoever it may concern letter" for driving Experience . he will charge 7 riyals . then go to radar section and get stamp for no violations. next go to license building and they will provide you the letter . get the captains signature and Stamp from the opposite cabin. move to the admin building in the same compound . they will put a reference number for the document , Go to MOFA on c-ring road near audi showroom and get they attestation . thats it .. you are good to go

remember to translate the license .. it cost me 100 $ per license here .

Alberta procedure

Give class 7 drivers written test 30 question. you need 24 correct to pass .. submit your Qatar license, the experience letter.translation to the registry agent and in about 2 weeks you will know if you get GDL exemption

once you get the exemption you can attempt class 5 advanced road test. Suggest to take driving class to get familiar with canadian rules. specially the left turns which is something different and too many rules as compared to qatar ...its easy .. just follow the rules .. i got my class 5 full license start to finish with the GDL exmeption approval in 16 days


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