To UAE for work from Canada-Anyone coming with me?

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Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 15:06:07

I am a proud canadian.

I started coming to this site over a year ago so that I could be of assistance/learn from others - advice/a resource for people that have questions and I enjoy the banter, occasional silliness and humanity we all share.

I enjoyed some of the debates because they offer differing perspectives and allow for broadening of our own beliefs and knowledge.

However. I am very tired of

a) The constant Canada bashing - whether direct or indirect.

b) The way one individual has manipulated this site to be his personal counselling board. Personally i dont CARE about this individual's personal problems, or his lack of ability to handle his own life.

c) This thread as an example: Getting information is one thing. When an individual goes off on an tangent as an excuse to let the public know how much better he thinks he is than others..and comparing other places to Canada - I wonder..what benefit is this to the greater CD community? How is this helping others learn about Canada? If this individual needs friends..he should do it in his own email/space and not take up a public forum.

d) This all leads to the digression of threads (which I acknowledged to have been a part of), and in my opinion a very NEGATIVE feeling on the site overall. How is this helping any of us?

I now try to avoid responding to trolls on any discussion boards but this issue has hit close to my heart. Ignoring this has NOT made the problem go away.

Negative remarks about Canada, or Canadians are just as toxic and useless as Negative remarks about India or any other country.

Im sorry to say that I didnt realize how negative I was feeling the more i stayed on CD recently. I have been away from it for a few days (as you may have noticed) and surprisingly...I FEEL better. Thats a really sad thing.

I really like CD and would like to do what I can to help and learn from members of our community. However I would like to request publically that this individual be not allowed to post any longer.

If I have over stepped my bounds here I apologize - and will remove myself from this community permanently.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 15:29:54

doh! this was meant to be a pm

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 15:35:37


Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 15:53:43

Originally posted by morning_rain

I am a proud canadian.

I started coming to this site over a year ago so that I could be of assistance/learn from others - advice/a resource for people that have questions and I enjoy the banter, occasional silliness and humanity we all share.

I enjoyed some of the debates because they offer differing perspectives and allow for broadening of our own beliefs and knowledge.

However. I am very tired of

a) The constant Canada bashing - whether direct or indirect.

b) The way one individual has manipulated this site to be his personal counselling board. Personally i dont CARE about this individual's personal problems, or his lack of ability to handle his own life.

c) This thread as an example: Getting information is one thing. When an individual goes off on an tangent as an excuse to let the public know how much better he thinks he is than others..and comparing other places to Canada - I wonder..what benefit is this to the greater CD community? How is this helping others learn about Canada? If this individual needs friends..he should do it in his own email/space and not take up a public forum.

d) This all leads to the digression of threads (which I acknowledged to have been a part of), and in my opinion a very NEGATIVE feeling on the site overall. How is this helping any of us?

I now try to avoid responding to trolls on any discussion boards but this issue has hit close to my heart. Ignoring this has NOT made the problem go away.

Negative remarks about Canada, or Canadians are just as toxic and useless as Negative remarks about India or any other country.

Im sorry to say that I didnt realize how negative I was feeling the more i stayed on CD recently. I have been away from it for a few days (as you may have noticed) and surprisingly...I FEEL better. Thats a really sad thing.

I really like CD and would like to do what I can to help and learn from members of our community. However I would like to request publically that this individual be not allowed to post any longer.

If I have over stepped my bounds here I apologize - and will remove myself from this community permanently.

Actually, I couldn't have said it any better myself MR. I also have decreased the number of posts in a day, due to all the negativity, and also because of the way one or two individuals seem to just take over the forum. I try to keep my posts short and simple too these days.

By the way MR, I've missed reading your insightful comments on CD. I do hope that the mods of this site realise that the behaviours of these one of two individuals are driving away the more respected members of CD.

Bijou Bazaar

Pink Panther   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 533
Location: Private location

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 15:53:45

Originally posted by morning_rain

I am a proud canadian.

I started coming to this site over a year ago so that I could be of assistance/learn from others - advice/a resource for people that have questions and I enjoy the banter, occasional silliness and humanity we all share.

I enjoyed some of the debates because they offer differing perspectives and allow for broadening of our own beliefs and knowledge.

However. I am very tired of

a) The constant Canada bashing - whether direct or indirect.

b) The way one individual has manipulated this site to be his personal counselling board. Personally i dont CARE about this individual's personal problems, or his lack of ability to handle his own life.

c) This thread as an example: Getting information is one thing. When an individual goes off on an tangent as an excuse to let the public know how much better he thinks he is than others..and comparing other places to Canada - I wonder..what benefit is this to the greater CD community? How is this helping others learn about Canada? If this individual needs friends..he should do it in his own email/space and not take up a public forum.

d) This all leads to the digression of threads (which I acknowledged to have been a part of), and in my opinion a very NEGATIVE feeling on the site overall. How is this helping any of us?

I now try to avoid responding to trolls on any discussion boards but this issue has hit close to my heart. Ignoring this has NOT made the problem go away.

Negative remarks about Canada, or Canadians are just as toxic and useless as Negative remarks about India or any other country.

Im sorry to say that I didnt realize how negative I was feeling the more i stayed on CD recently. I have been away from it for a few days (as you may have noticed) and surprisingly...I FEEL better. Thats a really sad thing.

I really like CD and would like to do what I can to help and learn from members of our community. However I would like to request publically that this individual be not allowed to post any longer.

If I have over stepped my bounds here I apologize - and will remove myself from this community permanently.

Actually, I couldn't have said it any better myself MR. I also have decreased the number of posts in a day, due to all the negativity, and also because of the way one or two individuals seem to just take over the forum. I try to keep my posts short and simple too these days.

By the way MR, I've missed reading your insightful comments on CD. I do hope that the mods of this site realise that the behaviours of these one or two individuals are driving away the more respected members of CD.

Bijou Bazaar

Member since: Jun 06
Posts: 73

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 16:47:04

Originally posted by benparsad

, if you plan to change planet, you might find Desis there as well.


Too much! You know way back in the 60's there used to be a 2 famous sayings in the US on the cowboy TV series and in comic strips

1. There is an Indian behind every bush
2. The Injuns are coming.

They were of course referring to the Apache, Comanche type.

Today my old friends in the US still say that holds true except this time its the real Indians (from India):cheers:

For all you know, and if one is to believe certain historians that there was an extremely advanced civilisation in India many "moons" ago, maybe we did have the star trek material and boldly went out to outer space and have indeed inhabited other planets.

Maybe Jor-el, Lara and Kal-el are descendants of Indians:)

Anybody seen the new Supes movie?

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1651
Location: (0,0,0)

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-06-06 17:01:06


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