What Should You Do If You're Trapped In A High Rise Fire?
The worst has happened. You're in a high rise apartment when there's a sudden rumble, followed by a deafening crash. A plane has just hit your building. Would you know what to do?
Toronto Fire officials have worked out a scenario for you to follow, but a lot depends on two key things - the circumstances and your readiness.
Here's what they say you should do if a New York City-style crash ever confronts you.
First steps
Alert as many people as you can.
Leave immediately. Close, but don't lock, all doors behind you.
Sound the fire alarm by activating a red manual pull station on the fire floor (if it's safe)
Call 911. Never assume that someone else has already done that. Make sure you give your name, the correct address and location of the fire.
Use the exit stairwells. Don't use elevators. Heat can cause elevators buttons to activate, potentially taking you to the wrong floor. And if power goes out, you'll be trapped. Smoke can also interfere with the light sensitive doors, leaving them unable to close.
Don't return until firefighters tell you it's safe.
Now the hard part - should you stay inside the building or leave. A lot depends on the kind of fire, where it is and how clear the exits are.
If you choose to leave:
Get out right away. Don't stay to grab possessions.
Before opening any door, feel the door handle and the door itself, starting from the bottom, moving to the top. If the door is not hot, open it slightly.
If you see or smell smoke, or feel or hear air pressure or a hot draft, close the door quickly.
If the corridor is free of fire or smoke, take your keys, close the door behind you, and leave the building by the nearest exit stairwell, again closing all doors after you.
If you encounter smoke in a stairwell, consider taking an alternate stairwell. Be sure to crawl low under smoke. If the alternate is also contaminated with smoke, return to your suite.
When you are safely outside call 911
If you can't get out because of the fire or heavy smoke:
Close, but don't lock any doors for possible entry by firefighters.
Seal all cracks where smoke can enter by using wet towels or sheets. Seal mail slots, transoms and ventilation outlets as necessary (a roll of wide duct tape is handy).
Move to the balcony or to the most protected room and partially open a window for air. Close the window if smoke enters.
Keep low to the floor. Heat and toxic gases rise.
Signal firefighters by waving a white sheet or towel.
Wait to be rescued. Remain calm. Don't panic or jump.
Listen for instructions or information from authorized personnel over the building's internal speaker system.
What to keep handy:
1. Wet towel - Place at the base of a door.
2. Duct tape - Tape over door and vent openings.
3. Foil wrap - Use to cover vent openings.
4. Whistle - Use to signal for help.
5. Flashlight - Use in case of power failure, smoke, or to signal for help.
6. Bright-coloured cloth - Hang up in a window, or on a balcony, to identify your location.
7. Ink marker - Use for messages on cloth, door or windows.
8. Cotton bedsheet - If smoke is heavy in your room, soak the bed sheet with water and make a tent near an open window.
9. Washcloth - Place the wet cloth over your mouth and nose to aid breathing in smoke-filled areas.
10. Fire safety plan - Have a copy of your building's emergency procedures available.
11. Plastic pail with lid - Use for storing survival equipment. (Fill with water during a fire.)
Source: Toronto Fire Department
I find few of "What to Keep Handy" little Funny though.
Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...
Good info for everyone.
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