how much we earn

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Member since: May 03
Posts: 271
Location: Toronto , ontario , ca

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-04 08:48:04

why dont we start a thread wherein all the so called successful desis post their salaries at the end of each year say salary at the end of 1 st year .......then salary at the and of 2nd year ............because we always say getting a JOB in ones own field is a achivement but what salary does it fetch is never discussed and getting that will help desis decide as well

I fully understand that asking for such things in public is not very nice thing but then everything for a good cause is valid.

Sucess is not an accident it is a result of hardwork with intelligence.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 197

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-04 19:17:57

"everything for a good cause is valid"

And what is the good cause in your inquiry!

On a side note,

Looking at negativity on this site being mostly related to job, money and financing, I am wondering "Are majority of people immigrating due to monetary reasons?"

Why are people immigrating to Canada? What factors/reasons made them decide to go through the immigration process? I would like to hear from people in different stages of immigration process ... from those just thinking about starting the process to those who just landed in last few months.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 79
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-04 01:34:39

We filed our application in 2000
here are some of the reasons:
Better infrastructure.... we visited Singapore in 99 and I was fascinated by the city infrastructure. This kind is not possible in India in next 30 yrs also.

We are insecure about kids education..there is so much competition and my husband both were academically very good and doing fantastic in our careers here, but seeking admissions in reputed professional courses now is only for the extraordinary kids. If our kids somehow dont do well in academics, what is their future? In North America, only graduation will also lead them to a comfortable life.

We are fad up with the exam oriented approach of schools and rat race between parents. Exposure to other things in life like nature parks or forests or natural surroundings is very less.
I hear from my sister settled in US since last 20 yrs that they are happy with the overall growth of the kids. My another sister is settled in Canada since past 7 yrs. Her daughter who might not have managed admission here in computer engg , has managed to do it there in one of the best universities and now doing the final yr...because of less competition she got a chance and she is really doing very well..extremely self reliant and confident..i have seen the final year students here and can make out the diff.

Money is right now a second priority..In India also yearly we are able to save min 10000 CAD after living a lavish life which might not be possible in Canada. We have everything a person might think of, car, house, other gadgets etc. so having material things is not right now the goal.

Another imp our career, both of us have dealt with various government officials for company projects and we are fad up of the corrupt system and the officials' approach. There is absolutely no "customer oriented attitude" We dont want our kids to go thro this experience.

Pl let me have your views on this

Work is forever. Childhood is only once. Spend time with your kids...

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-04 02:30:46

Orginally posted by nishitno1

why dont we start a thread wherein all the so called successful desis post their salaries at the end of each year say salary at the end of 1 st year .......then salary at the and of 2nd year ............because we always say getting a JOB in ones own field is a achivement but what salary does it fetch is never discussed and getting that will help desis decide as well

I fully understand that asking for such things in public is not very nice thing but then everything for a good cause is valid.


Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-04 11:37:40

Vinay, I guess you are still working on on tabulating your yearly earnings for posting on the forum :). Were you at the recent meeting we had to help others? It may have helped you change some assumptions on your part.

Basically, I find that, the original request is flawed on *SO MANY* levels that I am at a loss on how to put it all down here. The least of which is that, ultimately, it is going to be misleading on what Canada has to offer in various stages of ones lifetime. e.g: see anujarks post may not make sense to a bachelor...but unless the bachelor intends to remain that way...he better start considering that post to help him make his decision.

Anyway...if people think ( for reasons *I think* i know but dont agree with) that this data is going to help them, maybe we can put up a poll that can help in collecting this data. There is already one such poll but it does not show earnings during progressive years. However, this ALONG WITH all the other polls may offer people an objective perspective.

And speaking of polls...AnilKG..check out some of the polls..may give you an Idea of why people migrate. I think many (who are here already and have been vocal on this forum) do it for the 1=34 factor and are CONVINCED that others do it for the same reason too :).
I hope you can try to explain it different. I'm not trying anymore.

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Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 700
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-01-04 21:20:59

Well, it would be bit hard to explain everything thru posts. You will feel and face real Canada when you will arrive here and at that time you will discover that you were not 100% right . As I have written before in one post.. every country has it's own advantages and disadvantages, Canada is not an exception.

Thanks and regards.

"Change before you have to" : Jack Welch

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