What kind of layer are we getting as Immigrants?

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Member since: Sep 06
Posts: 11
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-04-07 00:10:52

This question is related to immigrants coming from 2006 onwards.
Just my thoughts....
What kind of academically excellent/qualified people are we getting in Canada as immigrants from south asia?
"Cream layer" graduates in "any discipline" write TOEFL, GRE,GMAT go to US/UK for higher education and settle down there.
Brilliant medical graduates clear USMLE in India and migrate to USA.
Graduates of top-notch schools IIM,IITs easily get well-paid jobs in US/UK/India through campus placement.
Graduates from REC, Anna Univ, BITS and other premier institutes also have no problems getting into USA.
Any Tom/dick from XYZ engineering college, get a well-paid IT job in India, coming to USA on H1B/L1, even with poor english.

Wonder who is not eligible for any of these routes/missed them and still applying for immigration to canada?
One who has not qualified for all the above options means...he/she must be then, has not shown any academic excellence... means... not brilliant, less professional competencies, certainly did not belong to the "cream layer"....just my assumption.....

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-04-07 00:26:27

Brilliant! We certainly got one brilliant individual through to Canada in you.

Please summarize the theory of relativity as well while you're at it...I'd love to hear the 5 line breakdown.

Are you there?

Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 67

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-04-07 01:47:16

Here on this forum you will see any folks who have either worked in US or are still in USA .. or are earning otherwise 100K+ CA$ in US/UK/Dubai/India etc..
Reasons wy people choose to come to Canada or any other place are as varied as people themselves..
as for whether Canada gets creamy layer or not.. well.. there is a school of thought on extreme right wing that *EVERY* immigrant to ANY WESTERN land from third world country is a burden and a low life-form!! So klan meeting is next door you nazi!
Who are you to decide anyone's \\\"layer\\\"?? with a mission and right faith , illiterate farmers created biggest co-operative in Gujrat, and founding fathers of USA themselves were mere farmers with pitchforks trying to fight mighty british empire ...
So rest assured.. what happens to Canada will be in the hands of Canadians .. old AND NEW ones!
People like you who scare me.. you have come to munch upon propserity built on sweat and blood of first canadians and now you come with your prejudices.. and your \\\"dirty\\\" thinking and class warfare and your IIT/Ivy league eliticism.. and look down upon the land and traditions that you begged to be part of!
You don't like it.. Go back to rat-hole you crawled out from!

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-04-07 08:12:31


You're giving this garbage credence by getting worked up about it. Don't sweat it bud.

The way I figure it is if someone buys into this kind of "analytics" (and there are the usual suspects on the forum who will), they deserve to buy into this kind of analytics. :D

Are you there?

Member since: Dec 06
Posts: 296

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-04-07 09:29:47

Originally posted by windsor_boy

Here on this forum you will see any folks who have either worked in US or are still in USA .. or are earning otherwise 100K+ CA$ in US/UK/Dubai/India etc..
Reasons wy people choose to come to Canada or any other place are as varied as people themselves..
as for whether Canada gets creamy layer or not.. well.. there is a school of thought on extreme right wing that *EVERY* immigrant to ANY WESTERN land from third world country is a burden and a low life-form!! So klan meeting is next door you nazi!
Who are you to decide anyone's \\\"layer\\\"?? with a mission and right faith , illiterate farmers created biggest co-operative in Gujrat, and founding fathers of USA themselves were mere farmers with pitchforks trying to fight mighty british empire ...
So rest assured.. what happens to Canada will be in the hands of Canadians .. old AND NEW ones!
People like you who scare me.. you have come to munch upon propserity built on sweat and blood of first canadians and now you come with your prejudices.. and your \\\"dirty\\\" thinking and class warfare and your IIT/Ivy league eliticism.. and look down upon the land and traditions that you begged to be part of!
You don't like it.. Go back to rat-hole you crawled out from!

That's pretty harsh mate.

If we ignore the "layer" comment, I think there's a point to be made. I really am not sure if there's a study or analysis done on this but from my experience, Canada doesn't seem to be the "first preference" for Indians who plan to move westwards.

I am not one of them. I on the other hand had no preference and was going to be a citizen of the world :-) It so happened that I came to Canada and have liked it ever since. Going to US/UK has not crossed my mind.

This is NOT REFLECTIVE of Canada. This is reflective of Indians. Canada is what it is. But it is Indians, brilliant or not, who seem to "prefer" the USA/UK etc.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-04-07 10:46:32

Originally posted by GR

This question is related to immigrants coming from 2006 onwards.
Just my thoughts....
What kind of academically excellent/qualified people are we getting in Canada as immigrants from south asia?
"Cream layer" graduates in "any discipline" write TOEFL, GRE,GMAT go to US/UK for higher education and settle down there.
Brilliant medical graduates clear USMLE in India and migrate to USA.
Graduates of top-notch schools IIM,IITs easily get well-paid jobs in US/UK/India through campus placement.
Graduates from REC, Anna Univ, BITS and other premier institutes also have no problems getting into USA.
Any Tom/dick from XYZ engineering college, get a well-paid IT job in India, coming to USA on H1B/L1, even with poor english.

Wonder who is not eligible for any of these routes/missed them and still applying for immigration to canada?
One who has not qualified for all the above options means...he/she must be then, has not shown any academic excellence... means... not brilliant, less professional competencies, certainly did not belong to the "cream layer"....just my assumption.....


Maybe that's why on the world stage, most people do not lend credence to Canada even though they are part of the G-8. Or perhaps they have flunkies on their Madison Ave.

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