Hi Friends,
I have received my Canadian PR and i am planning to move to Toronto first and bring my family later ( Wife & 2 Kids). I am a SAP Basis Professional with 15 Years of IT experience. My Immigration Agent adviced me to move to Edmonton. But i seek you advice and guidance on the whole process right from landing and all the formalities. If any one can advice me on the job market it would be very greatful. Please adice.
On what basis is your "immigration agent" recommending Edmonton?
I'm not saying it's a bad choice - but you need to know the reason for moving there.
I suggest you start browsing Canadian job sites such as workopolis.ca, jobs.yahoo, etc. looking for jobs in your area and make a note of where most of the jobs are.
It is possible that Edmonton has jobs in your field, and if so, you can move there.
However, you also need to consider other factors such as social network, community support, weather, ease of getting around, cost of living, housing, etc.
Do you research properly.
There are several websites, Govt. as well as non-Govt. where you can browse information about the provinces, cities, cost of living, etc.
Don't just the pick a city because someone told you it's good.
And of course, there's the Golden Rule -
When in doubt, choose Toronto
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
yeah think abt. several times before you go to edmonton, bcoz it has v snowy winter. and i guess it jobs are everywere, so good luck
Thank You buddy's for the advice and response. I am currently doing my ground work on job search and i didn't decide about edmunton. The immigration adviced me and said there are lot of opening for IT professional in there. Thats the reason i posted my message. Thank you once again buddies. See you soon.
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