My e-client changed to decsion made yesterday. My wife is pregnant and her due date is first week of may 2004. I think she won't be covered under ohip. What is the best course of action for me. How much expenses are involved. Please guide me
Cant you wait until after your wife deliver the baby in the country you live? Once baby is born contact CHC to get baby's visa and travel to Canada.
Thanks and regards.
"Change before you have to" : Jack Welch
Tiwana --
As you get closer to the due date, Airlines will not allow your wife to travel.
Even if they do, it may not be safe because of all the radiation, the chemical sprays, the disinfectants, etc.
It seems either you must land within this month, or March at the latest, or else your only option will be to have the baby in your country and then have the baby added to the application.
Note that you cannot land unless you have the baby added and the baby gets his/her visa.
I assumed that you are not in the US.
If you are, then another option is to drive to Canada, complete your landing and have the new baby in Canada.
That will solve all problems.
Of course, you will have to foot the bill for all medical expenses for the first 3 months.
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
Consult your doctor and discuss in depth openly and clearly with him. What he suggests in terms of your wife health condition and baby's movements.
If he suggest, you should come to canada asap. In canada now there are some organizations who help for persons not covered under OHIP. Iknow in Scarborough there is a hospital for new comers not covered under OHIP.
Or have the baby and then land here with due addition of child on parents visa. This will not be a big problem.
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