moving soon - relocating home stuff

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Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-12-07 01:15:38

Dear Cd's

i am moving to Canada in the last week of Jan 2008 and want to have your advice on the below issues.

1) we plan to send approximately 400 kgs of our stuff vide sea or air freight upto Toronto. All the agents in India are charging approximately US$ 1200 for clearing and delivering the goods from toronto custom bonded warehouse to Etobicoke area.
can anyone guide us will it be cheaper if we take the services of a local agent in toronto for clearing the cargo from customs or
is it advisable that we can clear it on our own and save some $$$$..

2) we plan to carry some stuff with ourselves and rest as above. will we get another chance to import duty free

3) since we will not be covered by the insurance plan for first 3 months , can you suggest some good insurance company through which we can buy insurance for that period.

4) what do you suggest for the academic and professional degree's that we are carrying. Shall we get these attested through some ministry in India to have a expedited process in FCRO

hope to have your valuable suggestions soon

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-12-07 19:02:56

Originally posted by sumchat

Dear Cd's

i am moving to Canada in the last week of Jan 2008 and want to have your advice on the below issues.

1) we plan to send approximately 400 kgs of our stuff vide sea or air freight upto Toronto. All the agents in India are charging approximately US$ 1200 for clearing and delivering the goods from toronto custom bonded warehouse to Etobicoke area.
can anyone guide us will it be cheaper if we take the services of a local agent in toronto for clearing the cargo from customs or
is it advisable that we can clear it on our own and save some $$$$..

2) we plan to carry some stuff with ourselves and rest as above. will we get another chance to import duty free

3) since we will not be covered by the insurance plan for first 3 months , can you suggest some good insurance company through which we can buy insurance for that period.

4) what do you suggest for the academic and professional degree's that we are carrying. Shall we get these attested through some ministry in India to have a expedited process in FCRO
hope to have your valuable suggestions soon

This is a subject that needs to be weighed!

1) Air freight for 400 kgs will cost you around $1500 here. It is delivered Door to Door. Clearing depends upon the papers you provide them with. Any box over 50 Lbs is subject to the discretion of the transporter.
If you had given us the list of the goods, we would have told you if it was well worth your efforts. Otherwise to dispose off the same for any price or give away and buy them NEW all over again here in Canada. But we have to know if these items are available. This way there are no hassles and you can fold the dollars and put them in you pocket. No freight charges. You will have to weigh the issue.
2) Any items that were in usage or for the personal use are free when you enter the very first time. You can also declare that there are items that will follow at a later date. But you will have to bring old stuff which is older than the declaration date. The transportation costs will enter into picture once again. But you will be in a better position to receive and store them or use them, having settled down comfortably in a place of your choice and with adequate room to place them. January of any year is not the best time to bring in the personal effects. Also no Shipping here in Toronto, only other alternative is AIR.
3) You will find that it is A 100% cheaper to buy one outside of Canada and then drop in here with a policy. You might never need the same or find it lacking too. See the coverage details and the exclusions and deductibles. There a few good ones here with RBC and they have a good policy with broad coverage which will cover a lot of things and with a small deductible. The cost is based on your age. (About $3.00 per day per person with no impediments)
4) There are suitable locations in India that will provide you with all of the details and one such location is in Delhi and a couple of others scattered there. Please contact them and get further help. They are just waiting for your call. See other posts for new immigrants here on this CD.

Happy New Year.

Safe Landing.


Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-01-08 14:16:26

Hi Freddie

thanks for the time and a detailed response..
would be great if you can advice the following.

1) noted and if you can advice some forwarder / agent who can send goods at this price we will take their services since my forwarder is charging $1200 only for clearance from Canada port to toronto door delivery. Freight charges and origin charges are separate. $ 1500 is good price for door to door delivery by air freight.

2) noted

3) noted will buy from India itself.

4) can you tell us some agencies as we were not able to find any link on CD.
this will be of great help.


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