Freeway driving Tips

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-09-08 13:19:42

Originally posted by Seema

Driving on the Right lane - There are some places where the Right lane exits. And sometimes in a high speed heavy traffic it is difficult to change lanes in the last moment and you end up exiting at a place where you did not want to. This is specially a problem on unknown roads and for new HighWay drivers like me. Any tips from the experienced Highway drivers will be helpful. Thanks.

When on a 3 lane hwy - drive in the middle lane ... you avoid the exits/merges and allow faster vehicles to pass you .


Member since: Sep 08
Posts: 15
Location: main kahan hoon? just arr

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-09-08 20:13:19

Is there a magic way to overcome the right hand drive habits or reflexes? Or just patience and persistance in the new environment ! I wonder how people can cope with both LH and RH driving habits in respective places.

Any comments?

Originally posted by Fido

Originally posted by Seema

Driving on the Right lane - There are some places where the Right lane exits. And sometimes in a high speed heavy traffic it is difficult to change lanes in the last moment and you end up exiting at a place where you did not want to. This is specially a problem on unknown roads and for new HighWay drivers like me. Any tips from the experienced Highway drivers will be helpful. Thanks.

When on a 3 lane hwy - drive in the middle lane ... you avoid the exits/merges and allow faster vehicles to pass you .

Member since: Sep 08
Posts: 15
Location: main kahan hoon? just arr

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-09-08 20:28:24

If you miss an exit or get onto wrong exit / lane, I found use of GPS gadget very handy. first reaction is not to panic, the GPS will recalculate and work out the next route and bring you back on track.

Small price to get the stress of navigation out of mind specially if your going on a new path or like to have carefree experience. Having said this you need to manage GPS gadget and keep it out of direct sight etc....

Overall, I would still recommend use of GPS to less experienced drivers and keep customising it to get best results !

Safe Driving to all !

Originally posted by Seema

Originally posted by Fido

Its good to be on the right lane if you are a slow driver - but in case you observe a heavy vehicle like a truck approaching from behind at a higher speed , please move to the left lane to give way - its easier for you to change lanes then him - show respect to the truck drivers as they show to you - they drive a larger vehicle and we should co operate with them .

On a 3 lane highway its generally easiest to drive in the middle lane .

Maintain a safed distance - you d be surprized to note the braking distance if the car ahead of you stops .

Avoid late decisions either on highway / otherwise - they create panic amd endanger others' safety besides yours . If you miss a turn / exit its not the end of the road ....... 10 mins / kms are less valuable than some one s life - DRIVE SAFE ALWAYS .

Driving on the Right lane - There are some places where the Right lane exits. And sometimes in a high speed heavy traffic it is difficult to change lanes in the last moment and you end up exiting at a place where you did not want to. This is specially a problem on unknown roads and for new HighWay drivers like me. Any tips from the experienced Highway drivers will be helpful. Thanks.

Member since: May 05
Posts: 919
Location: GTA and beyond

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-09-08 22:22:21

I drive over 150 kms everyday on the highways. Most of the points are covered here. One thing however - please please move over for emergency vehicles.

Very funny story. On the 401 collectors I saw a cop in the left lane - same as mine. I moved over and so did quite a few. The lanes were under construction so there was hardly any shoulder for the cop to move out to. A van just did not move over. I really do not what was going on in the van drivers head. The traffic ahead was really slow and some how the cop managed to go ahead of the van and he stopped in front of the van. Surprise surprise the van driver got out of the van and started approaching the police car. The cop was already out of the car and he pushed this guy in the van and said something - obviously that he should have first moved over and second never get out if stopped by a cop and that too in a live lane. Luckily the traffic was crawling and the cop was in a hurry. So he went on.

So never never get out of the car and that too in live lane.

Member since: May 05
Posts: 919
Location: GTA and beyond

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-09-08 22:30:45

If you have paid attention on the road, you would know the flow of the traffic ahead and behind you. If your car is sprayed try to put the wipers on the max and lift your foot off the pedal. But do not brake. Who knows the guy behind you might not expect you to do so if the traffic is moving at full speed.So continue driving if you are blinded for a moment and the wipers should clean out the windshield in a second.

Originally posted by Fido

How do you handle when in rainy weather a car ahead of you in the left lane sprays water on your windshield from its tires ??

I have encountered this before also and today as well (being a rainy day) - my instinct is to brake , being blinded by the spray but wonder how to handle this on a freeway ??

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-10-08 06:14:23

Thanks Iceberg . I will try and remember that. Yesterday someone else also suggested to develop the habit of looking farther ahead so that in case of emergencies you have already mind mapped the 2 seconds of road ahead .

As far as getting used to left / right road flow is concerned - I recall that when I d first come out of India a decade back , I used to look on the right before crossing the road ..... and it was quite the opposite ~ gradually I trained myself to start looking on the left ...... and developed it as a prodded instinct -- much like remembering Math calculation .... 8 * 8 and 64 comes in an instant .

So train your mind initially and soon it will become a habit ..


Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 50
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-10-08 10:20:56

Is it worthwhile to get snow/winter tires for winter in Mississauga? Or the All Season tires are enough?

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