New Ontario Rules Of The Road Come Into Effect from September 1, 2015....

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-15 17:39:12

just for information, some of you may be aware about the rules.

better safe than sorry....:cheers:

Distracted driving penalties, cyclist safety, and the safety of the drivers and occupants of roadside emergency vehicles among some of the new changes to come into effect September 1, 2015.

New rules and penalties come into effect after this summer's passing of the Making Ontario's Roads Safer Act.

New Ontario driving laws and penalties

With portions of the new Act in effect September 1, drivers can expect:

Increased fines for distracted driving. The penalty for distracted driving is now a minimum $490 (which includes the set fine as well as the Victim Fine Surcharge and court costs) and three demerit points. Novice drivers will be looking at a licence suspension upon conviction: 30 days for the first conviction, 90 days for the second, and a licence cancellation for the third.

Increased fines for "dooring" a cyclist. Fines start at $365 and will come with three demerit points. Additionally, where possible, drivers are expected to maintain a distance of at least one metre (about three feet) when passing cyclists. The fine for this infraction is $110 and two demerit points, unless it happened in a community safety zone. In community safety zones the fine is higher, $180 and two demerit points.

To `slow down and move over` for tow trucks too. When passing stopped police, ambulance or fire trucks with flashing lights, drivers are required to slow down and move over to an adjacent lane if possible. This has been a rule of the road for some time. Come September 1, if you see a tow truck with their amber lights flashing you`ll be expected to do the same. Fines for failing to move over when it`s feasible to do so will start at $490.

More new laws and penalties coming down the road

Some of the changes introduced in the Act will come into effect in 2016. These changes include:

To wait for pedestrians to fully cross the street. At school crossings and pedestrian crosswalks, drivers will be expected to wait for the pedestrian to completely cross the street before proceeding. Even if the pedestrian is no longer in your lane, you'll be expected to wait until they've safely arrived on the other side of the road. Fines are expected to range from $150 to $500, and will come into effect January 1, 2016.

To be treated the same for driving drugged as driving drunk. Roadside licence suspensions, vehicle impoundment and possible monitoring are up for grabs if thought to be driving drugged. These new penalties will come into effect in the fall of 2016.


Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 1351
Location: Brampton, Ont, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-15 19:13:05

Basically , Cops get more free hand to finish their monthly quotas :) :) :)

i understand emergency vehicle get priority but for Tow Truck or some construction truck flashing orange light ???? come on this is too much

'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-09-15 19:40:01

In my opinion, any stricter driving regulations should be welcomed by everyone, without exceptions.

It's in our interest. Isn't it? Why are we then make hue and cry about India's traffic enforcement if we have to complain re. each and every stricter enforcement, including the distracted driving?

I would say, need of the hour.

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-15 00:18:44

Most of the times, before I back out of a lot or out of my drive way, I take a quick look to see if there are any kids walking on the side walk. Then I get back into the car and with a four way flasher, I slowly back out of the driveway. On occasions I have seen kids whistling past behind my car on skate boards, just missing the vehicle by inches. Also it has happened on a couple of occasions at the corner of the side walk at an intersection.

I wish they had radars and ticketing for these kids on occasions like these.

I welcome any rule as long as they are made known to every driver of any vehicle and not expect to buy a manual once an year to update ourselves with all of these by-laws and the fines associated with them.

The latest I saw in a bike shop was an Electric Bike. Now they are fitting it with an amplifier to make some noise just to tell that there is a bike on the road without which you will never know there is something moving about in your path.

What Next?? !!


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-15 10:32:06

Govt. made a rules but no counter check whether driver was at fault or not. It is totally up to Police officer's Decision so even some cyclist or skate boarder kid (as mentioned above by FH) does mistakes chances are Police Officer still consider your fault.

Insurance companies always waiting and love this kind of cases, so they can hike up your premium easily.

I am not against the low but there should be some counter check whether driver was at fault or not.

IMO. More officially money grabbing technic from public by Govt and Insurance companies...:cuss:

Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-15 10:51:25

Originally posted by RBO

Govt. made a rules but no counter check whether driver was at fault or not. It is totally up to Police officer's Decision so even some cyclist or skate boarder kid (as mentioned above by FH) does mistakes chances are Police Officer still consider your fault.

Insurance companies always waiting and love this kind of cases, so they can hike up your premium easily.

I am not against the low but there should be some counter check whether driver was at fault or not.

IMO. More officially money grabbing technic from public by Govt and Insurance companies...:cuss:

Dash Camera on your car is a very wise investment :). Just for $ 100, you can get a very good dash camera, will save you thousands in insurance if someoneelse is at fault and lies about it ! The insurance company in this case usually holds both parties at 50:50 fault :(

There was this Sri Lankan dude named Raghu or something, very famous in GTA. Whenever your car was stopped at a traffic light behind him, this fool would put his car in reverse and roll backwards and hit your car ! Then claim you hit him from behind ! Insurance company doesn't care, the moment you hit someone from behind you are at fault, no questions asked !

Some Chinese guy caught him, as he had a dash cam on his windshield, so he could prove that his car was stationary and this guy rolled backwards into him delibrately and was pulling of an Insurance scam !

Tow Truck Drivers, Chiropractors, Physiotherapist, Legal Clinic and even some cops Are big time into Car insurance scams :)..costing Insurance companies Billions :(, which they then pass it on to consumers and hike your premiums :)

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-09-15 11:18:46

I recall a driver who plate was "I SUE BG"

He had cameras on the front, back, and on every window on all sides.


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