A confused state

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Member since: Jun 08
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 01:14:22


We are a family of 4 and hopefully intend to get our PR next year. We live in a good area in Mumbai with my parents and life is smooth. But its the pull of living abroad which we have dreamt since so many years.

After going through so many threads we're now utterly confused. The confusion being should we shift to Canada or stay back in India. I'm a businessman and i intend to start a business or maybe buy a business, putting around 100,000 to 200,000 into any suitable business. My wife, although a dietitian is not very keen on working. So it will be entirely upto my skills and our new business to support us.

I would like advise as to how is the scope for businesses like a grocery store or a 7/11 or any other small business and about life in general in Toronto. We're not keen on settling anywhere else.

A few friends who have come back from the US tell us to plan our future in India saying we're better off here. My wife's sibling who's in the US tells us life is better in the US. We're completely confused as to what decision we should take.

Is life in Toronto better than Mumbai ? How is life in winters ? Is education for kids better in Canada than India ? Is the Canadian govt. better than Indian govt. ?

Pls advice.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 02:30:55

Originally posted by NJ33


We are a family of 4 and hopefully intend to get our PR next year. We live in a good area in Mumbai with my parents and life is smooth. But its the pull of living abroad which we have dreamt since so many years.

After going through so many threads we're now utterly confused. The confusion being should we shift to Canada or stay back in India. I'm a businessman and i intend to start a business or maybe buy a business, putting around 100,000 to 200,000 into any suitable business. My wife, although a dietitian is not very keen on working. So it will be entirely upto my skills and our new business to support us.

I would like advise as to how is the scope for businesses like a grocery store or a 7/11 or any other small business and about life in general in Toronto. We're not keen on settling anywhere else.

A few friends who have come back from the US tell us to plan our future in India saying we're better off here. My wife's sibling who's in the US tells us life is better in the US. We're completely confused as to what decision we should take.

Is life in Toronto better than Mumbai ? How is life in winters ? Is education for kids better in Canada than India ? Is the Canadian govt. better than Indian govt. ?

Pls advice.


Life here in Toronto Canada has always been better than it is in Mumbai.

Winters and even the summers here are are at times too severe and are to the extremes. No one likes them. So, if you come here you might not like them too and hence you just join us here. Misery needs company.

The local education here is good if the kids do their half and the Parents keep on top of it. OR if the kids have their own motive power and are self starters. I have seen kids here score in the nineties and excel in all subjects. I have also seen kids struggle into the low seventies and do a lot better in life. So, you be the judge of things.

Canadian Government is certainly better than the Indian Government in a lot of respects. But politics is just politics. "It is the last refuge of a scoundrel".

Now for the start of the questions: If and when you are successful in obtaining the PR, you can move forward in a direction that you would like to choose and make a life for yourself and your family here. How well you can do that depends upon your business acumen and the skills that you possess in managing it. It does not matter if it be a Grocery Store or a Gas station. Also when you buy or start one, try and find a proper place for it, because its success depends upon the location, location and location.

You will be the only one who can prove your friends to be correct or incorrect, by showing them how well you will handle the situation in this new country of yours. The odds are in their favour as there are more people in the United States and much much more in India to give that edge for them to win. Because, Small profit and large clientele will certainly give you a larger return. Hence they stand to be correct for a start. Now you will have to enter into a newer type of business that which we don't know currently, and that might make you very successful businessman in your future. So, you will have to first find that business and then carve out a niche for yourself here and prosper.

Simple arithmetic says a Crore of rupees at 8% will give you 8 Lakhs for a start. If it keeps your head bobbing above water there then you are doing so- so. If the returns are higher, then you are doing good. With all of the infrastructure and the help and support that you have there at your disposal you ought to do a lot better where ever you are. It is the bottom line that will make you the millionaire. Not this uncertainty that you are facing here in Canada, even before you get started.

So, you have a true picture and it only my opinion. There will be many more that will appear here with their own views.

So, you be guided accordingly.


Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 08:06:58

As you are already aware, canada and USA are badly hit by recession. As of today BRIC i.e brazil,India,china....... are not yet affected by recession.So, if you are trying to migrate alongwith family, then it is wrong time to migrate. wait till recession is over.

secondly if you want to come in canada as a businessman, then you come here first and explore business opportunities and then take the decision of bringing your whole family.

you said, you are interested in 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 business. Let me tell you, if you wish to own gas station, investment will be minimum 3,50,000 to 10,00000 and even for coin laundry or supermarket minimum investment will be 300000/- . of course you can put grocery stores (Indian) which will run well wherever Indian community is more.

My advise for you is when you bring your family then, you won't be happy to move from one place to another for living so, after coming here, your first priority will be to own a house which will require 150000 to 500000.

whatever decision you take, take it carefully. Today whoever has cash is the king.

hope this helps.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 09:28:18

i would request you to please come here.
canada is a wonderful country and it is a great country (who cares if there might be little racism here and there). cash is king here. canadians love immigrants who come here with cash. there are a lot of things you can do with your cash.
There is a certain leverage that you can do with your cash. You bring in 100K or 200K and the bank will loan you 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 (depends on your buisness plan). remember that you can loose all that you brought if you choose a wrong buisiness/location. so beware.
Some buisiness that can really give you profits are (also depends on location) :
1. Buying a house for 400K and renting the rooms
2. Pizza joints
3. Phone cards.
4. Take outs.

Hope this helps

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jan 06
Posts: 412

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 10:04:22

You bring in 100K or 200K and the bank will loan you 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 (depends on your buisness plan)...

Oh really; Is that?
No colateral or something.


Member since: May 09
Posts: 357
Location: Beautiful BC Baby

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 12:27:51

I read the comments and let me try to answer a few things.

India +ves: Life has a buzz .. you feel alive. Great food. Lots of social company/parties etc. Lots of nice places to travel. You feel like a King if you earn reasonably well. Labour is cheap so you have people to do things for you life cooking, cleaning, laundry etc.

Canada's +Ves: If you earn well enough, life is stress free to a large extent. Canada is more secure, government is there to help. Police are friendly. Schools are safer. Streets are safer. you can travel anytime. The Canadian passport is respected all over. Health insurance. Disability insurance etc etc. No corruption. Nowadays if you live in GTA, Indian food, malls, movies are available.

India's -ves: Pollution, crime, chaos, poor infrastructure. If the police/govt is out to get you, no one can help you. annoying relatives ? ;). Corruption.

Canada's -ves: Bad weather (you need to be positive and go out in the winter .. take up skiing, or go to winter lodges .. do not hibernate), Dull social life .. life becomes very machine like here unless you have lots of energy and good friends to go out. The thing is labour is costly, so you have to do everything yourself. If you run a business you need to clean the floors, wash the toilets, lift and pack boxes (until you can hire someone to do it for you). When you get home if you wife is working, you may need to cook or help her. Weekends you vacuum and clean. So you need to be very motivated, organized and energetic to have a good social life. but still it won't compare to India. Life in canada is more about you and your family. you meet friends but not too often. Since life here is very materialistic (large houses, good TVs/appliances, big cars etc etc) it generally means you have a good standard of living but generally a single income family does not do too well. You wife will likely want to work here for the extra income and more over she will get sooooo bored during the day if she does not work. Nearly all adults work here, so residential areas are EMPTY during the day. Not like in India where there is a lot of buzz.

My advice .. before making a big decision like this, come on your own and check it out before moving the entire family. Also I hope the entire family speaks English fluently otherwise be ready to face more hurdles.

Let me know if you need more info.

Member since: Jun 08
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-09-09 01:53:15

thank you freddie, gopalpai, tamilkravan,benprasad and walle for your replies. I appreciate your taking the time to go through my post and reply to it.

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