Originally posted by simira
One more question , when submitting the Part A online do I need to type my husband's name ie., FN MN1 MN2 and LN as in the Indian passport
Option 2 Go by the Canadian passport
Option 3 Or go to the Brampton VFS and go by their advice.
Please let me know, to how did you submit the online form for OCI.
Originally posted by sudesingh
I was in the same situation a few months ago. VFS needs a notarized affidavit stating the change of name. The affidavit is only going to be used for the purpose of issuing the OCI.
They gave me the format, I just typed it up and got it notarized. Cost around $20 to $30.
I don't think you have to go thru the formal name change process with the Canadian authorities. Check with VFS if the notarized affidavit will suffice.
Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by simira
One more question , when submitting the Part A online do I need to type my husband's name ie., FN MN1 MN2 and LN as in the Indian passport
Option 2 Go by the Canadian passport
Option 3 Or go to the Brampton VFS and go by their advice.
Please let me know, to how did you submit the online form for OCI.
Originally posted by sudesingh
I was in the same situation a few months ago. VFS needs a notarized affidavit stating the change of name. The affidavit is only going to be used for the purpose of issuing the OCI.
They gave me the format, I just typed it up and got it notarized. Cost around $20 to $30.
I don't think you have to go thru the formal name change process with the Canadian authorities. Check with VFS if the notarized affidavit will suffice.
If you are going to prepare an affidavit for change of name, just follow the Canadian Passport for all the details.
Good luck.
Applicant's Name for OCI will be as per canadian passport and parents name will be as per Indian passport. Names of many Indians is shortened here in Canada either in Landing papers or SIN card or Health Card or in Citizenship card. My fulll name is not properly mentioned alike in all documents. Some times my first name mentioned as middle name and vice versa. I think Canadian federal government officials can't properly spell my full name and they mentioned only first letter and left the other letters in the name. My name is continuosly changed without my intervention and some times it irritates me to look at my name after 5 years of stay in Canada. But I can't help. I am happy as last and first names of my name are still intact and hopefully they won't be played again by some body without my consent. Our indian names are given by our parents with a specific purpose and meaning like name of your god, grand parents name, your village name etc. but here they spell it differently and the total meaning of your name will be lost eventually.
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