I have had a passion for south asian/indian/pakistani food for a long time now and the fact that i have lived in 5 different country (Canada being my 5th country) i have experienced different varieties of food.
Currently both me and my wife are professionals working for a large insurance company and are looking to explore possibilities to open up an indian/pakistani restaurant. We have been working for others for the past many many years and now thinking to work for ourself and are looking to partner with someone with like kind interest/passion.
What we are looking for is someone who has passion in food industry and who can be both financial as well as working partner.
I have seen my good friend getting into food business about 10 years back and making a fortune out of it. Recently couple of years back i have seen my younger brother starting franchise food business and is very happy with the outcome and i think its time for me to explore this industry as well.
I have exposure to food business (franchise) managing a well known and famous food brand and am personally very passionate of cooking indian/pakistani/fusion food.
I have various different things in mind and looking to connect with someone who is also looking for same.
Since i currently work, i do not wish to give my phone number as i do not want people calling me but i would ask if you can send me an email with a brief bio data of yourself explaining your interest and your ability to be a working/financial partner.
Please email me at mailto:nash68@hotmail.ca and we can chat and meet to discuss options
U want to start a business with a unknown person u meet over the internet..
How much investment you are planning? Do you have any experience in Canada related food business?
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