People eventually do get settled(and sometimes even thrive) in Canada, but after facing many unnecessary obstacles in their path. Some obstacles are put to the test right away --- like the quality of immigrant's background education, professionalism(or lack of it) of the applicant, their ability to integrate into work place, cultural issues, etc. These are reasonable expectations from an employer.
However one has to be blind as a bat to not acknowledge prevailing systemic discrimination in Canada. There are structural problems at the Canadian workplace. "Sifarish" mafia seems to be worse than back at home. Overt racism has been replaced by subtler racism. There is also a marked class differentiation in comparison to the US, which affects both the local born and especially the immigrants.
New immigrants are very vulnerable to these pressures. Then there are problems with the academic-professional bridging programs and other corrective measures being taken by govt.
I don't expect govt to impact much change. However immigrants can themselves exert pressure on companies and govt services with their economic clout and voting privileges.
If a list of businesses can be compiled that are discriminating towards hiring and advancing immigrants, then they can be targeted for boycotts. I believe if you hit their pockets, then diseases like xenophobia will quickly get cured.
I appreciate the OP's enthusiasm and interest in this issue, but CD itself has seen many such petitions before with very little impact on the local "mind set". Its just that the wrong mindset is being targeted. Immigrants need to get out of their victim complex and cowardice mindset and swiftly kick the discrimination beast in the gonads with punitive measures.
elmer fudd, well said, thanks for your advise to new immigrants, I just want to add to your arguments, that according to Canadian Chartered of Rights and Freedom it is illegal to create systemic barriers for economic growth of any Canadian.
(a) promoting equal opportunities for the well-being of Canadians;
(b) furthering economic development to reduce disparity in opportunities;
New comers are facing silent discrimination which need to be addressed by a vigorous voice and I think filing petition on such issues is the only way to add political pressure on politicians and to the government policy makers that new immigrant professionals are not going to surrender to this systemic employment and economic barriers.
Feel free to comment on the petition as other 900 plus members have already done that so far. Here is the link for your information.
I want to thank you all who had supported the petition with their signature, we have reached to 930 + plus signatures and I hope others will support this petition with the same spirit.
Here is the link for your information to copy and paste it in your browser and sign it to help new immigrants finding their voice of their economic growth issues in Canada.
Dear Aamir,
I thank you for bringing up this topic that soooooo much important and at your face for the professionally qualified immigrants who are ironically young too and can put in so much with their individual capabilities......I agree Canadians called it a land of opportunity where we all were given YES based on our background but it all flushes as soon as you land.......
But canadian employers need to trust the accredited people and their professional talents that is what I wish for wise it is said that Ontario is a major manufacturing province ie major employment comes from it..hence 'factory jobs'. Medicine area people have tough road ahead for sure....
Hanging there guys..even I am.......
Dear AmitrCanada, Thank you for your encouraging words, I am hopeful one day as "One Voice" for all new immigrants we will be able to raise new professional immigrant's disparity in economic growth in a more formal and structured document so we can present it to the Canadian policy makers in the federal and provincial government to make an impact on the social and economic lives of new immigrants.
I will encourage every one to join this growing movement to make our voice more vigorous and heard where it matters. So far 945 people have signed up and we can make a difference if more and more people signed up every day.
Here is the link for those who would like to add their voice to this petition.
The problem is more about the demand and supply rather than racism. For immigrants from IT and accounting it is much more easier to find jobs because those fields are in demand.
For other professions there are 100s of applications for each post, as a hiring manager, i need a way of cutting the resumes down to a decent number that i can manage. With a significant amount issue like communication skills and unethical practices like doctoring resumes sometimes it becomes very hard for organisations to validate someones experience.
I think the solution is to stop skilled category and promote investment category so that jobs are created that can sustain the immigration.
Originally posted by dudewheresmycar
The problem is more about the demand and supply rather than racism. For immigrants from IT and accounting it is much more easier to find jobs because those fields are in demand.
For other professions there are 100s of applications for each post, as a hiring manager, i need a way of cutting the resumes down to a decent number that i can manage. With a significant amount issue like communication skills and unethical practices like doctoring resumes sometimes it becomes very hard for organisations to validate someones experience.
I think the solution is to stop skilled category and promote investment category so that jobs are created that can sustain the immigration.
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