Justice for Travor Martin + Puppy love of Modi

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Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-13 13:06:40

USA has erupted and the liberal people are shocked at "not guilty" verdict of racist jury and prejudicial racist judicial system of USA.

A poor Black innocent kid was brutally murdered by a Hispanic (actually, half white like our great Obama) guy who was correctly described by all liberal media as "White" guy Zimmerman.

Zimmerman claimed self defense. I post a link.
Caution: read it only if you have followed the case or else you would not make connection with the verdict. It, of course, makes good general reading. Just for curious guys, while Travor's picture in all the liberal media are from when he was 11 years. Travor, who was murdered at age 17 was actually 6 feet tall guy and muscular compared to the murderer Zimmerman. Initially racist police did not register the case for 59 days. It was only when DOJ under our great president Obama gave money secretly that liberals were able to organize the protest and force racist police to prosecute Zimmerman.

Zimmerman Trial: How to Make it Easy for People to Say, ‘You’re an Innocent Child’ When in Reality…


Another sad story is about Modi who compared 20000 innocent muslims killed as part of progrom in Gujarat to Dog (Actually Puppy) . It is so outrageous. All the political leaders in India have rightly condemned Modi, Kangress taking the lead and then SP, BSP and JD(U) supporting. One JD (U) leader even declared Modi as having lost mental balance (probably Modi is suffering trauma due to break up with most secular party JD(U) after 17 years of cohabitation). I was surprised when my friend Putoo ji and other secular minded liberal friends did not condemn Modi. I therefore took a lead for a change. Modi should be disbarred from Public life for his heinous crime of comparing always innocent Muslim victims with Dogs in the Holy month.

Racist BJP person had even temerity to point out that many more Hindu die in false "encounter" with police than Muslims. What a liar and what a shame. I am outraged. Had Modi been in USA, he would have been sent to Guantanamo where the other innocent God fearing detainees would have taught him a lesson. I am going to write an email to our beloved and great leader Obama urging him to grant Visa to Modi. When he lands in USA, he should be shipped to Guantanamo from the airport so he does not defile holy land of USA.

There is some commonality between Zimmerman and Modi. Both are obviously guilty and deserve capital punishment. However, racist judicial systems in both the great democracies have failed.

I am truly sad.

Member since: Apr 07
Posts: 171
Location: NB

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-13 14:16:14

I am pretty sure the cops did not arrest him after all the interviews they conducted, maybe because they knew something we did not: that it was indeed a self-defense case and the guy was an appointed neighborhood watch enforcer. A simple solution could have been, for the kid to stop and be non-belligerent and answer the questions and perhaps ask Zimmerman to give him a ride to his dad's flat (since it was raining). The whole situation would have been averted, with a free ride to add. It does work. Back when I was at a National Lab, I used to jog fast and furious on weekends, thru neighborhoods; a few times, some ppl called cops, I am sure they said some suspicious brown man "running" thru our expensive neighborhood....! :) And if the cop drove up, lights flashing, I stop and have a convo and then ask him to gimme a ride back home (I may have jogged 5 miles or so by that time). The cops sometimes tried to weasle out but most of the times, bit their lips and gave me a ride back to my apartment. There must have been quite some aggressive confrontation from the black punk, which obviously led to fist fighting and shooting.

Member since: Jul 13
Posts: 301

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-13 14:47:26

Originally posted by Nightmare
I am truly sad.

If you jump on conclusion, with incomplete information... you better be sad. Cause once you will discover, you will repent on your statement..

This is how opportunistic politicians and paid media distorted Narendra Modi's statement to create controversy where it does not exist.

The pitiable state of affairs in India!

Parties outraged at Modi’s remarks on 2002 riots
A political uproar erupted on Friday over certain comments by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on the 2002 riots, with the Congress, the Samajwadi Party, the CPI(M), the CPI and the Janata Dal(United) saying he had compared Muslims to a “puppy” and should apologise for the “humiliating” remarks.

The BJP, which was put on the back foot, insisted that Mr. Modi’s remarks were “misinterpreted” with the aim of “appeasing a particular community.”

In an interview to Reuters, Mr. Modi, replying to a question whether he regretted what had happened in 2002, said: “Any person if we are driving a car, we are a driver, and someone else is driving a car and we’re sitting behind, even then if a puppy comes under the wheel, will be painful or not? Of course, it is.”

Taking strong exception, SP spokesman Kamal Farooqui said: “It is a very sad, very humiliating and very disturbing statement... What does he [Modi] think, that Muslims are worse than even puppies? He does not have a heart for them. He should feel sorry... He should apologise.”

Mr. Modi “should be ashamed for using such a language,” the SP leader said, adding, “the earlier he apologises, the better it will be. Otherwise, there will be dangerous consequences.”

Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Brinda Karat said, “The expression of regret just doesn’t come to Modi ... There is something wrong fundamentally what he is saying.”

Mr. Modi “has been justifying that genocide in different ways. Whether it is genocide, whether it is a cold-blooded murder, whether it is in the name of encounter, whether it is hushing up those cases and trying to promote those who were involved in it from beginning to end... It is a governance that has in it certain components which are against the Constitution of India and against basic human principles,” she said.

CPI leader D. Raja described Mr. Modi’s comments as a “desperate attempt to deceive people and hoodwink the Indian masses.”

Congress leader and External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said Mr. Modi was “gradually becoming his own worst enemy.” If he felt he was “misinterpreted,” he should talk less.

Comments misinterpreted: BJP

Shivanand Tiwari, leader of the JD(U), which recently snapped ties with BJP, said “psycho-analysis should be done on him [Modi].” It would be a “very dangerous situation” if such a person became Prime Minister.

However, BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said Mr. Modi’s comments were “misinterpreted” completely, resulting in a “controversy where it does not exist.”

‘Votebank politics’

She said, “Clearly this is done with an intention to appease a particular section. It is part of the Congress vote-bank politics. It is part of the Congress strategy before elections.”
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1014434_355014234628305_1262872224_n.png" border="0" alt="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1014434_355014234628305_1262872224_n.png" />

only a foolish can write such nonsense about recommending Guantanamo.. etc.

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