Originally posted by MKBLR
Universities will have to wake up to maintain the standards to compete in the global market.
From Wiki....
The Washington Accord is an international accreditation agreement for professional engineering academic degrees, between the bodies responsible for accreditation in its signatory countries. Established in 1989, the signatories as of 2014 are Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.[1]
The agreement recognizes that there is substantial equivalence of programs accredited by those signatories. Graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries are recognized by the other signatory countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering. Recognition of accredited programs is not retroactive but TAKES EFFECT ONLY FROM THE DATE OF ADMISSION OF THE COUNTRY TO SIGNATORY STATUS.
The Washington Accord covers undergraduate engineering degrees under Outcome-based education approach. Engineering technology and postgraduate programs are not covered by the accord, although some engineering technology programs are covered under the Sydney Accord and the Dublin Accord. Only qualifications awarded after the signatory country or region became part of the Washington Accord are recognized. The accord is not directly responsible for the licensing or registration of Professional Engineers and Chartered Engineers, but it does cover the academic requirements that are part of the licensing processes in signatory countries.
It is my understanding that there are 275 Universities there in INDIA are waiting to get recognized by this accord, which will make the caliber of students graduating from that location a very desirable one.
Although the qualifications might be equal, they will harp on the Chord of CANADIAN EXPERIENCE to withold the entry of new comers into desired professions.
Besides, do you really think Employers do really care and know about the Washington accord. Ask around in your respective offices and chances are the Hiring Managers and Authorities might not be aware of this accord at all.
Originally posted by febpreet
Besides, do you really think Employers do really care and know about the Washington accord. Ask around in your respective offices and chances are the Hiring Managers and Authorities might not be aware of this accord at all.
There are some controlled professions where your educational qualifications form a part of the screening process/approval of status. Issues related to visas and immigration are decided on basis of your education where acceptance/recognition of your degree matters. The concerned officers are aware of these protocols. Accrediting institutes rely on these accord for granting accreditation to applicants with overseas degrees.