Which license will we qualify for?

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 108
Location: Perth, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-08-04 13:11:57

Hi. Can someone tell what kind of driving license (G1, G2 Or G) me and my wife can get based on the following info:

License type: U.S.A License
Driving Experience: 3 years

My Wife:
License type: U.S.A License
Driving Experience: Only 3 months:p


Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3116

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-08-04 10:09:26

Visit mto website and you will get the info. As fas as I know you can get G license without any test. Your wife might need to give tests.

A Proud Indian Canadian

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 21

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-08-04 09:04:23

My husband could exchange his three year old california license for an Ontario license (G category). In case, you want to retain your U.S. license, you will have to start right at the beginning at G1.
I am in the same boat as your wife. I have to start right at the beginning
Good luck:D

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