Obtaining a driving license in Ontario

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Member since: Nov 09
Posts: 55
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-10 06:41:09

I went through the MTO's website and this is what I understood (please correct me if I am wrong):

To obtain a 'G' license by exchanging an Indian license, I need an authentication letter from the RTO (why? is the date on the license not proof enough?)

Without an authentication letter, I can still obtain a G2 license by getting credited for 12 months of driving experience. A G2 license is sufficient for driving in most circumstances including driving on highways(or is this untrue?).

If someone has a format of this sample letter that I can take to the RTO to try my luck getting an authentication letter, please post it or PM me. I will very much appreciate it. And if someone has managed to get such a letter in Bangalore, please post your experiences.

Member since: Sep 06
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Location: everywhere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-10 08:35:35

First of all, you DONT get a "G" license directly with a valid/expired Indian license and/or an authentication letter.
- If you take Indian DL to the test centre ,you will still be taken a vision and written test and given G1 where you cant drive alone and have to drive with a "G" licensed driver along.
- If you take Indian DL and the RTO Letter,you will still be taking vision test and probably a written test and be given a G2. The RTO letter is an authentication for the info on the DL because they just cant scan the Indian DL to get the information they want here as they do the Canadian DL.
The RTO letter help you skip the waiting period b/w G1and G2 and the experience shows you know how to drive.
But they still want to see how you drive, do you follow rules, are you cautious, are you courteous??? Practice, get to know the rules and then go for G. G2 is sufficient enough to drive alone,on highways,with kids aboard ....... but you still have to go for G within a period of time or else you start from the scratch again.

Unless, you have a driving experience from North America or Japan, you dont get a "G" no matter what. Sorry I dont have any format for the letter.
Good Luck


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Member since: May 07
Posts: 124

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-10 08:36:19

As far as I know, the Indian License is not exchangeable for Canadian License, but you can use the Indian driving experience to get exemption for the 12 months waiting period to give a road test. I had taken the G2 recently. If your Indian license is in native language and English and it has issue date (I think you need 4 years) the letter from RTO is not necessary(as in my case). You have to make the G1 written test and then you can book to give a G2 road test. With G2, yes you can drive all over Canada , even on high ways.

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