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Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-16 12:53:20


New rules at pedestrian crossovers and school crossings.

Starting January 1st, 2016, drivers (including cyclists) must stop and yield the whole roadway at:
Pedestrian crossovers; and, at school crossings where there is a crossing guard displaying a school crossing stop sign.

These rules apply at pedestrian crossovers identified with specific signs, road markings and lights ? the new rules do not apply to pedestrian crosswalks at intersections with stop signs or traffic signals, unless a school crossing guard is present.

The new law, part of Making Ontario?s Roads Safer Act, also provides municipal road authorities the ability to install new types of pedestrian crossovers on low speed, low volume roads in addition to the existing crossovers.


Just in case.. : The scarey part. :

Please open the links provided and get to know them better with pictorial descriptions.

Also, you will see what is in the making for this year and the next too.

Good reading. Enjoy.

FH. ""xxxx""

EDIT. : 4. Pedestrians will be more protected while crossing the road. ""Drivers will not be allowed to proceed at a school crossing or pedestrian crossover until the pedestrian has completely crossed the road."" This means that the whole road will have to be yielded, as opposed to the pre-legislation rule that only required the driver to yield the half of the road they are attempting to enter. The penalty will remain the same as it was prior to the expanded law: a fine of between $150 and $500.

This amendment will not come into effect until Jan. 1, 2016.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-16 14:22:27

I am not sure if this is going to be a major help , though it will slow down the traffic for sure and perhaps cause heightened anxiety levels ...

Lets see how the statistics shows up ... in the end , the Police will determine its efficacy and enforce it accordingly.


Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-16 20:28:58

For instance, say on a divided Avenue, which has Two lanes UP and Two lanes down, plus a third lane to merge or for a bus stop, (A Cut Away) there will be SIX lane width of road, an individual has to walk before s/he will reach the other side walk. Imagine the time taken for the Pedestrian to get to the other side, and what ever the few extra seconds left for the lights to change, if there is NO Time delays built into the Traffic Light System to permit a Right Turning Car to make a SAFE Turn, then he is cooked by this rule. Currently he is, and the control system is not.

Everything has to get built into it to make this law to work and there is NO NEED TO THINK, if they had done all of this prior to posting this law. Also after setting the time clocks into the TRAFFIC LIGHT system and testing it at a few major intersections, they could have built it into each intersection for it to work. IT is called TIME DELAY and in a few instances, AN OVERLAP. Throwing a book at a Driver with a law like this, without preparing all of us and the system to go with it is equal to setting a TRAP.

All of us have this knowledge and so should the big wigs who get paid extra heavy for doing the thinking. You don't want the guy off the CD website teaching the Method to them for FREE.

Can we ask for a few bucks.? (Frickking dreamer)


And what is this "DOORING"? and when did it get into MOT Terminology? Dooring? think about it and I will have a joke for you at the end of this post a little later. It will blow your mind off. More later. fh.


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-16 21:10:46

The new law is only applicable to crossovers and school crossings where guard is present. Crossovers are not that many in number. The new law is NOT applicable to regular intersections.

The new law does not apply to scenario portrayed by FH.




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Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-01-16 01:49:44

FH is not the authority. But the Law is and they quote the same thing in a different format to make it palatable. So, please be guided by this.

There are a few pictorials provided to you and they are for your guidance.

Here is the write up under their quote (7)* which is.
* "" Q7: Does the law apply province wide?
Starting January 1, 2016 the new law applies province wide to all pedestrian crossovers, school crossings and all intersections where a school crossing guard is present.""

I travel during the peak traffic hours in the morning Between 07:50 and 08:45 and I come across one such location, and it is painful to wait and you can see the back up of traffic for a mile some times. Seems like never ending.

In my research I found that there are 100 or more such crossings in Toronto out of which 10 are marked as minor intersections. But there is only one such intersection and at that location bus full of students jump out and run to cross the intersection and the crossing is just behind when the bus pulls in for its stop and the crossing guard has no control over the crossing and holds up the traffic to avoid any incidents at that crossing. Just recently they have posted TWO such retired persons as guards and they stand at two corners, diagonally opposite to each other, just to keep the students in line, at the same intersection, but to control two sides of the same cross walks and at the same light.

In the evening the same thing happens but at 15:00 to 15:15 in the after noon and so I miss the traffic stoppage at the same intersection.. It is like a swarm of bees heading back into the hive. (Heading for the bus.)

These are my observations and they are valid.

Your experience may be different to mine.


To each his own. The Traffic Controller can surely do a better job and help during these peak hours with the available technology. And it is a different story when the temperature hits Minus Thirty and my heart reaches out to those little one(s) who has to dart between these two lines lugging a back pack with all of the school books and the lunch and the snack and through the slippery mix of snow, salt and splash. fh

You can also see the busy bee locations at lunch hour at the Little India, which is between Coxwell and Leslie On the Queen, where the street car runs. Lucky the shops don't open till 10 a.m. there are a bunch of schools right behind the shops too. These are my observations.

Originally posted by rajcanada

The new law is only applicable to crossovers and school crossings where guard is present. Crossovers are not that many in number. The new law is NOT applicable to regular intersections.

The new law does not apply to scenario portrayed by FH.




Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-01-16 12:36:58

Q - So this rule applies only to school crossings and pedestrian cross overs - cross overs are different from cross walks right ?

A cross walk is a zebra crossing (or without) on every intersection and a cross over is a special pedestrian crossing on a road without any turns for vehicles ...generally with an overhead flashing light ..

Is that correct ? .... In which case at least the intersections are excused as long as they are not on a school .... but hey ... how am I supposed to know whether its a school intersection when driving in an unfamiliar area ?? ... 40 kmph sign ?


Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-01-16 13:06:05

Thanks FH for bringing up this topic.

We had a York Region presentation at my kids school immediately after this new law was introduced and here are the salient features to note:

1. All cross walks where 'crossing guard' is present - the rule applies. The operative word here is 'crossing guard' - who is present only at school start and end times. We all appreciate the safety concerns for all school kids.

2. All cross overs which has the flashing orange with big 'X' on the road and/or over head - it was already on effect but not everyone waited until the pedestrian completed the crossing. Now it will be ticketed, including cyclists.

3. All school crossing when the crossing guard is present - that is obvious.

The choice we have to make is between safety of our kids/pedestrians and driving speed. If we encounter such crossing daily at the time of our regular travel everyday - we have the option to change the route.

A popular misconception that this applies to all cross walks - is not true. They are as is.

Stay safe everyone.


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