sending passport for visa stamping to LA from Delhi

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Member since: Oct 03
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-03 01:56:24


my case is being processed at CIC LA and I am currently in India. I have received the passport request. I would like to know how can I send the passports to CIC LA for visa stamping from here. Also will they send the passport back to me or insist on a US address.

Member since: Nov 02
Posts: 239
Location: USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-10-03 10:58:59

I would like to know how can I send the passports to CIC LA for visa stamping from here.

I dont' think sending passports from India to USA via postal mail (couriers too) is a good option. It's a very risky option.

I think Canadian folks accept only from USPS (United States Postal Service)

Write and fax them about your new address in India, as your case already processed (I guess interview waived) they most likely ask you submit the passport to Candian consulate in New Delhi.

GG, Can you move this thread to immigration stuff folder.

Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 19

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-11-04 11:37:35

I think thats not an option. The U.S based consulates need a us mailing address. Pls check the document return procedure at the relevant consulate. I had mine processed in detroit. The following is the link which mentions the return procedure

It mentions in the document return procedure that the return address has to be U.S mailing address

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 319
Location: toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-04 19:13:08

a good way would be to send your pport with someone going to the u.s. and then ask them to post it back to a u.s. address and then have someone who is comming back bring it along with them. or better go with your passport to la but the latter option would mean waiting for it to come back and sometimes it takes more than a month so its not advisable.

the courrier cos in india wont accept your passport as that is something ilegal in india.

smile ...

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 30
Location: Kuwait

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-04 20:57:09

This is my suggestions

You have problem both ways out and in
i.e. it is not permitted to send passports to send outside india and to india by courier, however companies do take at times, if case is genuine and if you have newtorking.

Regarding going to US - Contact Shyla Varghese at ARAMEX and she could help. She recently helped me with my passports to Kuwait after i spoke to local office here.

Now regarding sending passports back - you do have an option . A bit risky but with some senior desi help it will work

Please check classifieds , there is a guy who is doing business by providing mail address in Canada If you use his service ( at ur risk) , then maybe it will work for you. However let some senior CD verify same.

Link provided by newkidontheblock says

In particular, applicants who send their documents to us by mail must provide this office with a return address in Canada or the United States

So sent your passports to Canada. Send this guy his charges to redirect your mail accordingly.

Problem Solved.

Hope idea helps....

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 30
Location: Kuwait

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-04 21:22:13

Here are the details of the guy

toronto maintain residential address in GTA mail message e.t.c
Maintain Residential address, licences, Permits in GTA, receive mail, fax, messages, phone, e.t.c in Canada all for a low price call to know more on 416 895 4183 email
Date Posted: October 14 2004, 04:41

CLOFI ( close file ) at my end.

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 32
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-11-04 21:29:19

I had the same situation. I got my passport request from NY and I was living in Malaysia. I sent the passports by FedEx to the consulate and they sent it to my lawyer in Canada, who again sent it to me by FedEx. There was no problem and everything happened within 10 days. You can provide a Canadian or US address of your friend or relative to receive the passports and send it to you.
Hope it helps.

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