why like that....always

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Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 1014

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 16:25:07

I stayed 6 yrs in US and I noticed in US that mostly south Indian (few North India too) they always buy lot of property in India and try to show king when go to India. Never try to tell their parent that things are different here. For example one of my friends he bought new Toyota Corolla that is one the lowest price car in US but his parent is so angry that he spent 17K for car even he was in US from last 4 yrs. Why he bought so expensive car. They try to control their children life sitting in India and always pressure them to buy property in India. So their parent can say in society how good my son is doing like Bill Gates in US.

Mostly these type of momma’s boy who follow their parents advice whole life without using own commons sense they live in very old apartment having mice, can get fire, smells all time, never keep car, always call friend on weekend for lunch so he can feel oblige to do their shopping with his car.
Never eat outside if wife is not at home for 1 month they bring crud rice with pickle all 5 days at lunch for one month. Even both make around 120K together. They never tell their parent and friends about living conditions here.

Their wife also works in IT but she made food all 7 days for all three time and never speaks a word. Going out for lunch buffet for them is like once per quarter if someone force them hard. At work if you make plan with them for next week lunch outside and make reservation. They always got busy or get some important work on lunch time that day.

I really respect those wives who are great example of passions and submissive nature even after good job and education. How can we expect over night change in Muslim women community overnight?

---Why like that?

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 16:31:49

you forget one thing.
Most of the Desi guys in USa are IT people. These people are over night rich guys. Most of them were brought up in dire poverty and just b'cos they did comp. sci . course , they are in good jobs in USA.
If you see my posts, if parents are not cultured and/ or educated, children become cheap.
You were educated in IIT and i think your dad is an IAS officer. No wonder you get angry due to cheapness of desi.
Imagine, i was a IT eduacted/ employed son of a father who did not know to write. if i was brought up in dire poverty and i had a 100K job in USa, of course i will spend as per roots. Nothing wrong. Maybe my next generation will be more decent. It take atleast 2 generations for effect to take place.
Sidenote : I was in Chennai earning rs. 10000 in L&T and i could not afford a 2nd. har scotter. My brother bought a new honda accord through loan in USA (96). I , myself was angry that he did not buy a 2 nd. hand car. Even my parents were angry. It is just that they thought that he could have bought a 2 nd. hand car and sent the extra money for their retirement. Who to blame?
Moderators : Please delete if offensive and kindly advise.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 16:35:37

Originally posted by rahul_singh23

Never eat outside if wife is not at home for 1 month they bring crud rice with pickle all 5 days at lunch for one month. Even both make around 120K together. They never tell their parent and friends about living conditions here.

Their wife also works in IT but she made food all 7 days for all three time and never speaks a word. Going out for lunch buffet for them is like once per quarter if someone force them hard. At work if you make plan with them for next week lunch outside and make reservation. They always got busy or get some important work on lunch time that day.

I really respect those wives who are great example of passions and submissive nature even after good job and education. How can we expect over night change in Muslim women community overnight?

---Why like that?

Why do you respect passivitiy and submissiveness? I would encourage those men to share in the household work!
I do think that you cant generalize though..not everyone is like this.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 16:37:54

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Sidenote : I was in Chennai earning rs. 10000 in L&T and i could not afford a 2nd. har scotter. My brother bought a new honda accord through loan in USA (96). I , myself was angry that he did not buy a 2 nd. hand car. Even my parents were angry. It is just that they thought that he could have bought a 2 nd. hand car and sent the extra money for their retirement. Who to blame?


Your brother bought a car of his choosing with his own hard earned money.
Its his decision isnt it?

Did you brother send money for their retirement on the side anyway? If he did..then he is entitled.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 16:54:29

The mentality of indians/ desi's /tamils is different.
We always try to put our money into good use.
If i need a car to drive, i would buy a pontiac for $4000/ corolla for $6500 and drive it instead of putting $25 K to buy a new honda. I would send the 21K earned to charity or to my parents.
I am not telling him/ anyone to cut out nessary items (like carrying a gift to a birthday party or eating a free lunch available on your way instead of paying to eat your lunch eg. ghurudhuwara)
Pennies make pounds
Sidenote : I had been to the ghurudhuwara only for 3 times in my entire stay in Canada

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 17:13:17

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

The mentality of indians/ desi's /tamils is different.
We always try to put our money into good use.
If i need a car to drive, i would buy a pontiac for $4000/ corolla for $6500 and drive it instead of putting $25 K to buy a new honda. I would send the 21K earned to charity or to my parents.
I am not telling him/ anyone to cut out nessary items (like carrying a gift to a birthday party or eating a free lunch available on your way instead of paying to eat your lunch eg. ghurudhuwara)
Pennies make pounds
Sidenote : I had been to the ghurudhuwara only for 3 times in my entire stay in Canada

Its spelled Gurdwara :)

How much repair does a $4,000 car need as opposed to a newer car?
If you have a child..why would u send so much money to ur parents?

~ Morning rain

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-04-06 17:19:16

Good Desi's take care of children and parents in the same way.
I have cried a lot after coming to Canada b'cos i was not able to send any money to my parents.
One of the many reasons why i really hate Canada.
Sidenote : A $4000 car is not expected to have any repairs. I know an individual who bought a 91 Honda Accord for $850 and for 2 years now he is not having any problems. His insurance is $225 a month. Ironic eh?. Can happen only in Canada.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

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