Hello Forum;
Any advice/comments will be greatly appreciated,
I sponsored my parents back in September 2003, while the sponsorship application was in progress my mother passed away in 2004. Me and my brother went for the funeral and i brought my dad along with me to canada he stayed with me for approx 1 year .... and i was debating whether to cancel the sponsorship application and instead file a HNC application but then after some consideration i made a decision not to put a HNC application due to the consquences if the HNC application gets denied then i won't be able to appeal, so i told my dad to go back to Tanzania and wait for the sponsorship application. On Feb 2005 i got a letter from CPC Mississauga indicating that i did not meet the LICO income requirment and they did calculation for me. I found some error on the LICO calculation and i called them i told them that on the calculation chart one of my T4 stub has not been accounted. I faxed them that T4 stub and they couldn't account it, i was told to go ahead and submit the application to the Visa Office by CIC Missisauga and then its up to the Visa Office to approve or reject my dads sponsorship application, that way i submited the application to the visa office accompanied with a letter showing them that my T4 stub was missed out resulting in LICO being not met as well as i mentioned on the letter to consider my fathers case on the grounds of HNC as he is the only relative left out in Tanzania after the demise of my mother the rest of the family live in Canada including my grandmother (Fathers Mother). On December 2007 my father recieved his medicals which he completed and submitted in Jan 2008. Despite all this complications please advice what are the chances my fathers application will be successful ? , its almost 5 yrs now he is anxiously waiting to unite with the rest of the family in canada.
They have asked for his medical and when his medicals are found to be o.k. they will ask for the passports for the completion of the process.
Here is the link to the processing times : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/12-ref-dependants.asp
See where you sent the medicals to look for the completion times at that specific location. Lowest number if there are no hitches and highest if they find it difficult to verify documents and police clearances etc.,
It is my guesstimate, end of the year. See if there are others who can provide you with dates to compare.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the reassurrance Freddie
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