Need Help! Landing within Canada - Dependent Child

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Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 8

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-12-08 01:56:25

I need your expert opinions ( I hope Fredie and other Distinguished peoples will help me)

I am a landed PR, expired PR card on August 2008. My child who is US citizen was applied under my dependant child and got the immigration visa stamp from Buffalo. Since we are living in Canada, and wanted to do landing within Canada, But after sepaking to the local office (Miss) they mention since the Child's passport donot have the Visitor Visa endorsed (Usual for US citizens) they cannot entertain, we must have to do at the Border.

I have couple of inquiries about that, plz help me if someone done it recently and plz describe in detail about the process at the border.

1. Since i will have to go with my Child at the US Border, US will enter our Names in their databases as entering without Visa and will limit our entry in Future.

2. Since i have expired PR card, will it cause problems at Canadian Border about my residency (i am working here, as well as residing, and Ontario DL) and re-entry at Canadian Border

3. Should i bring a Canadian Citizen friend with me in order to avoid this, alongwith an affadavit from parents to cross borders (providing not complicate things further)

Please Help in this regards, as Time is Essence for me right now. Immigration is great but things in the middle complicates Life much as it is already.

Would anyone suggests me any other way possible. Plz i am looking forward for that also. I am planning for this trip before December 24, 2008
Thanx in advance

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-12-08 11:35:59

Originally posted by Justin

I need your expert opinions ( I hope Freddie and other Distinguished peoples will help me)

I am a landed PR, expired PR card on August 2008. My child who is US citizen was applied under my dependent child and got the immigration visa stamp from Buffalo. Since we are living in Canada, and wanted to do landing within Canada, But after speaking to the local office (Miss) they mention since the Child's passport do not have the Visitor Visa endorsed (Usual for US citizens) they cannot entertain, we must have to do at the Border.

I have couple of inquiries about that, plz help me if someone done it recently and plz describe in detail about the process at the border.

1. Since i will have to go with my Child at the US Border, US will enter our Names in their databases as entering without Visa and will limit our entry in Future.

2. Since i have expired PR card, will it cause problems at Canadian Border about my residency (i am working here, as well as residing, and Ontario DL) and re-entry at Canadian Border

3. Should i bring a Canadian Citizen friend with me in order to avoid this, along with an affidavit from parents to cross borders (providing not complicate things further)

Please Help in this regards, as Time is Essence for me right now. Immigration is great but things in the middle complicates Life much as it is already.

Would anyone suggests me any other way possible. Plz i am looking forward for that also. I am planning for this trip before December 24, 2008
Thanx in advance


I note the following points.:

1) You want your son to cross the border and get his Passport stamped for entry.

2) You do not have a Valid PR Card.

3) You want to be there at the border when he crosses. (At a specific crossing)

Contact the CBSA. The border crossing agency. Here is the general contact number to them : 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) :

The agency has offices, on the Canadian side of the Border at most of the ROAD Crossings. You can access them from the Canadian side, because a lot of Canadians work there at those office locations and they do go there every day. So, you can go too. Find out how?? (I Know how) Your Canadian driver's llicence with a picture ID will be O.K.

Who ever is bringing him from the USA should have a letter authorizing him to take him across the border to reconcile with the Parents. (From Both Parents) That is you and your wife must sign the document and send it to that person, and he must have proper identity, such as Name, Address, Passport Number etc., to prove that it is him, while crossing the border with your child. Who you take with you, to that location, is your choice as long as you both carry your Passports with you, just in case they ask for additional picture ID. Also make sure you carry the full file and required documents that they specifically ask for. Check a second time before the travel.

If your son is crossing there, at a particular location, then, be there and wait for him there. Some one will have to bring him through that ROAD CROSSING.

Please keep your PR Card Valid at ALL TIMES, if you did, then you will not be in such a situation. Remember that you now will have to send your expired card with your application and pick the new one up when they say it is ready to be picked up at a particular location.

Good Luck.

Hope this helps a little.


Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 8

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-12-08 12:59:24

Thanx Freddie!

But few things you overlooked are
We are in Canada, i am not picking up my Child at the Border, We all are in Canada already (Miss). So my few un-answered questions again...

1. Since (we all are in Canada) i will have to go with my Child at the US Border, after going to to the CBSA first taking a paper explaining to USBA, Don't you think/know US will enter our Names in their databases as entering without Visa and will limit our entry in Future.

2. Should i bring a Canadian Citizen friend with me in order to avoid this, alongwith an affadavit from parents to cross borders (providing not complicate things further)

I will highly appreciate if someone recently had gone through the same expereince can shed some light in detail will be very helpful.

I already spoke to several CBSA agents they donot know much about it, They refer to call immigration, immigration peoples tell me whatever it is written in their books. Like go to their office at the border, they will give me a letter, take it to the US border, got refusal letter from their and come back to Canadian Border. I am looking for few of the personal points in there.
Would anyone suggests me any other way possible. Plz i am looking forward for that also. I am planning for this trip before December 24, 2008
Thanx in advance

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-12-08 17:10:13

Here I will explain once again. Freddie takes his car, Justin Sr. and Justin jr with a letter from Mr and Mrs.Justin giving Freddie permission {The letter authorizing Freddie to transport Justin Jr across the borders} to cross the borders at the Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge.

Justin Junior can cross the border because he is a US Citizen. Freddie has a Canadian Passport. He carries Justin Junior and his Passport and the associated files and papers that is needed to cross back into Canada and get the Passport stamped. Justin Sr., i.e., you, stay at the Canadian Immigration section, on the Canadian side of the border, because I am going to drop you off there. YOU DON'T cross the border. You must have got the drift..

Then Freddie makes a U-TURN at the border with your son Justin Jr. He makes the trip into the US and Back. He brings Justin Jr. back into the Canadian Immigration offices for stamping where you are waiting for us to return.

Get the Passport stamped for entry. Voila'. Problem solved. (Or so I think). There may be many more who have done this before. They are busy shopping for their X-Mas.

Merry X-Mas to you.


Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-12-08 18:12:14

As Freddie says, many have been there, done that. The letter of refusal is "without prejudice", meaning, it will not be held against you. Therefore, take your child, tell the US guys you just want to turn around for the purpose of landing your child, go to Cdn secondary inspection, complete the landing process and go home.

You might be asked about the expired PR card, so take your landing papers or confirmation of landing document with you along with prrof of residential ties (bills, lease, deed, etc, etc), DL, employment letter, etc. You will be fine. If officers ask lot of questions, it's not bad, just answer them confidently and you will be fine.

Happy landing.


Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 8

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-12-08 18:01:25

Thanx to Freddie and Dimple for a thorough understanding of the facts and regulations!!!
Although i would request anyone who has done this in a recent past, to share some real life expereince. I 'll be Obliged.

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 8

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-12-08 13:34:50

Dear Freddie and/or Dimple! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I wasnot able to leave with my friend before Christmas ( i do wanted though) but anyway, can i ask you little details

As per suggested by other posts, that they had to go to the CBSA and got a piece of paper to take it to US Border and then returned with another piece of paper got from US for landing. In case of us going (Canadian passport Holder taking my US citizens child) accross border, should follow the same process or not? Should they just go accross the US border (Queeniston-Lewisngton Bridge) tell them about the landing details and take U-Turn?

Also, there is a U-Turn facility just before the said Bridge after the Canadian Immigration. My firend mentioned that he had to took U-turn couple of times, when he saw long lines at the US border, and had to go through the same process at the Canadian Border. Should we follow the same, can they do a U-Turn at this point and do the landing without going all the way to US Border?

Also, i have the Authority Letter attested by the Oath Commissioner as well as the copies of our Identities attached to confirm our signatures alongiwth the US birth certificates showing parentage as well. Should this would be enough? Any particular statement should i have to include in the letter?

Plz reply at your earliest convenience. Thanx

Contributors: Justin(5) ftfl(4) dimple2001(1)

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